chapter 4

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I was bullied 18 months straight until I got kicked out of the school 15th of December 2015 and I haven't been back there ever since but i went to a hospital/school called chalk hill in haywards heath i met a friend there called Libby Deeprose.(she went to my school Helenswood).I loved it there i met a boy there called Harley he has deep red hair and i cant remember what his eye color was i had a deep crush on him i made some friends there i loved it but i only was there for two weeks and four days tho but i loved it i was a in patient there and Harley was a day patient so i only saw him when it was school and he leaves a few minuets after school ends so i didn't get to see much of him but i still loved him .Ok lets skip two weeks to where i went home for the weekend. I didn't do much so on Monday i left home to go back to chalk hill but on the way there there was a crash with a mini bus and some cars so we had to go the long way there and by we i mean me and my dad so yeah when we got there it was three minuets before school and Harley wasn't there for three days he was on Thursday i asked him if i could talk with him alone and he said yes so at break i told him my feelings and he told me that he was ok with it so yeah and skip to the time i had to leave my friends didn't want me to go but i had to and i told them i will meet them again but when we are older and i left but im not going back to helenswood im going to a school with smaller classrooms so yeah

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