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Chapter six:

"It's just through here, look."
Kit lead me through the trees and brushed back a curtain of leaves and vines. I followed him through and stared in awe at what he had shown me. It was a waterfall, falling from the rocks above us and spraying glittering mist into a perfectly clear pool of water.

I gasped and voiced a small laugh when I saw the small fish jumping out of the water, only to land back in with a small splash.
"I've never seen this place before." I told Kit. "And I have practically grown up in these woods. How ever did you find it?"
"I have spent many hours in these woods as well, Ella. I found this when I was younger, and I imagine very few people know of it."
"It's beautiful." I sighed, my eyes moving to look up at the waterfall then back down to the fish and then around us at the green plants with small flowers.

Kit and I continued our comfortable conversation and laughter as we admired the waterfall and the bright flowers. We talked about anything and everything, and I found myself easily telling him about my father and my mother, my stepmother and my stepsisters, and even how they called me 'Cinderella', although I had only met Kit briefly before.
I found myself trusting him and I was unsure of whether or not that was good. I would have to ask Dulcy, she would know.

The sun was well on its way down by the time Kit told me he would have to leave soon. I was disappointed, but I knew I should have left hours before. My stepmother and the girls would return home soon and they would be furious to see that all my chores were unfinished. The last thing I needed was for my stepmother to grow suspicious of my behavior when they were gone.
We slowly walked back into the woods were our horses were grazing together in the short green grass that grew only around the trees.
"I have loved every bit of this day with you, Lady Ella." Kit smiled kindly. I still felt odd when he called me 'Lady', because I wasn't one at all. I had shyly told him when he said it for the first time, but he only laughed and told me that I was most certainly a Lady where he was concerned.

"Will I see you again soon?" Kit asked, pausing before mounting his horse. His blue eyes met mine and I could see how badly he wished to meet me again. I smiled and ducked my head down to look at my shoes.
"I do not know. My stepmother sometimes goes days without letting me out of the house, and I don't know when they will go to the Palace next."
Kit nodded understandingly and moved closer to me.
"Well until I see you again, Lady Ella." Kit took my hand and brushed his lips against it. I smiled and knew I was blushing because Kit's smile widened.
"Until I see you again, Mister Kit." I returned happily. Kit stepped back and swung onto his horse. He picked up the reins and was trotting away in only a few moments. He looked back once and I curtsied playfully. I heard his quiet laugh and it made my heart beat unevenly until he was out of sight.

Then I sighed and tipped my head back when he was gone.
"Oh, what am I going to do, Elspeth?" I asked my horse. She looked up from the grass when she heard her name and I smiled.
"Never mind, you wouldn't know. But let's go find someone who might. Want to go to the market?"
Elspeth, of course, didn't understand me, but I swung onto her anyway and took her mane in my hands. We set out towards the marketplace at a canter and I hoped that Dulcy would be there when I arrived.
I figured my stepmother and my stepsisters would be at the Palace for at least a few more hours, and if they did arrive when I was out I could just tell them I had been into town. It wouldn't be a complete lie after all.

We arrived at the market and I wasn't surprised to see it bustling with people doing the last of their shopping for the day. The market was always at its busiest during the early evening, and I didn't mind at all, although it would make finding Dulcy a little bit harder.
I tied Elspeth to a post and swung down, tossing her an apple before I left.

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