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Chapter ten:

The Prince and I walked out of the Palace through a small side door that looked rarely used. Kit told me that people at the ball would most likely be looking for him, so we couldn't exit through the main doors.
He led me through the courtyard and towards the gardens, and even in the darkness I could still see the beautiful flowers that grew there. The night was warm, thankfully, and there was the occasional shift in wind that blew gently over us. Crickets chirped and hummed in the bushes nearby.
Our path was lightened by the large torches at every interval of stone. As we walked under each one I could fell the warmth from the fire that was lit in it.

"Won't they miss you at the ball?" I asked Kit, looking over to him.
"Maybe." He replied after a while. "But let's not go back just yet."
I was perfectly fine with spending the entire night out here with him. Every moment away from my scheming stepmother was precious, even though she couldn't recognize me until after midnight. But by then I would be long gone.
I smiled when I saw the bright full moon above us, surrounded by the equally bright stars. I looked to Kit to see if he had noticed, but my smile faded when I saw him looking seriously at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked slowly. Kit didn't respond right away, and for a moment all that could be heard was the sound of my glass shoes lightly tapping against the stone.
"When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing." Kit explained to me after a while. I looked at him in the eyes and could tell that he was indeed very upset about it. I felt bad for him, nobody should have a decision such as marriage be done for them.
"I'm expected to marry for advantage."
Kit explained further. I hummed thoughtfully.
"Well, for who's advantage?" I asked curiously. He didn't seem to know the answer either, as he began laughing quietly.
"That is a good question. And I unfortunately, do not have the answer."
"Well surely you have a right to your own heart?"
Kit sighed and stopped walking to face me. I stopped too and looked at him.
"And I must weigh that against the King's wishes." He explained. I nodded in understanding and we kept walking side by side.

"He is a wise ruler." Kit continued, still talking about the King. "And a loving father."
"Well, perhaps he will change his mind." I told the Prince optimistically. Kit nodded and a brief smile passed over his face before it faded again. He looked like he wanted to say something, but was having trouble actually telling me.
"I fear...he does not have much time to do so." Kit said finally, his blue eyes catching mine. I could almost fell his sadness just through his eye contact, and my smile fell from my face as well.
"Oh, poor Kit." I muttered sadly. "I'm so sorry."
The Prince shook his head as if he was clearing the thought from his mind and then suddenly smiled at me.
"Let us forget such sad things. Tonight is supposed to be happy. Come, I want to show you something."

I smiled too as Kit turned and started leading me down another path. The Palace gardens were so large I couldn't imagine how long it took Kit to memorize every path in them. But I figured he had had all his life to do so. We entered a long stone corridor that had a stone roof and walls that were decorated with vines growing up along the walls.
"I've never shown this place to anyone before." Kit turned and told me as we neared his destination. I followed him in anticipation, a childlike excitement blooming in my chest. Kit stopped at a wooden door on the left side of the corridor. He gently opened it and I followed him inside the room.

It wasn't a room, exactly, but it still made my mouth part in awe. It looked almost like a greenhouse, expect there were only flowers growing and the vines on the wall twisting upwards. There was soft grass under our feet, and a wooden swing hung from a strong tree in the middle of the room.
"A secret garden." I whispered. I smiled and turned around in a circle, taking it all in. "It's beautiful, I love it."
The Prince smiled at my happiness and slowly followed me into the room. I walked past the swing and looked at it, then followed it up to the tree it was attached to.
I had never actually been on a swing before, but when I was small I would always beg my father to make me one. But there had been no trees in our yard that would hold a small girl, so I was left only to imagine what it would be like.

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