The Love Letter

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"Young master," the Butler called. "Your tea is ready." With a yawn, Ciel stumbled into the parlor; eyes glassy and unfocused, mouth upturned in a cheshire cat like grin. Behind him, Lau appeared.

"What has the Young Lord gotten up to this time?"The drug lord  questioned, glancing over at Ciel who was in an unnatural state of happiness.

Sebastian  just sighed. "Oh, young master. Ever so irresponsible."

Lau chuckled. "You have no idea."

Ciel stumbled to his chair. "S-Sebastian. I w-want to dr-wink t-ea." He managed to stammer out. A small bit of drool slid down his chin.

Sebastian smiled, eyes crinkling. "Young master, you are drooling. What improper behavior for an esteemed nobleman such as yourself." Pulling a small handkerchief from his breast pocket, he lightly dabbed at his master's chin, lingering slightly longer than necessary.  The butler then placed some  biscuit on Ciel's plate, and poured him tea.

"Here we have heart shaped chocolate macrons,  three types of berry shortcakes with fruit filling, along with an herbal tea of rose hips." Sebastian picked up one the hearts. "In honor of Valentine's day, young master. Please do enjoy."

The young earl picked up his teacup and took a small sip.He felt something, definitely not rose hips, touch his lips. "There's shomething in dere, Sebastian. Remofe it immediately."

Sebastian picked up the teacup. "My apologies, young master. I was not aware there was anything in here." He dumped the tea onto the grass, and a small glass vial fell out as well. His eyes widened. "How strange, young master..."

Lau eagerly reached down to pick up the vial. "There's a note in here!" He exclaimed. Unscrewing the lid, he slid out a small roll of paper. Unrolling it revealed a few lines of eloquent script, written in dark blue ink. "Ciel, would you care to hear what is written on here?"

"Why-y certainly," the young earl replied, in a last ditch attempt to preserve his dignity.

The  butler remained solemn.

"Ahem," Lau cleared his throat and began to read.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
You are a prick,
But I still want your díck.

~Your Secret Admirer

A scarlet stain spread through Ciel's cheeks. "W..What is this!"  He cried out  indignantly.

"Why, a love letter, my young lord. Surely you have received one before," Sebastian replied. "Although this one is a bit blunt."

Finny, who had sneaked in through the back entrance, was rocking back and forth on his heels in excitement at the news.  Eyes gleaming, he exclaimed, "Sir! This is just amazing! You have a secret admirer! I've always wanted one of those!!" The blonde paused to examine the letter. "But what's a di-"

"A dicer, you mean," Sebastian smoothly interrupted. "I use mine to slice potatoes."

Lau smothered a grin. "But of course." Exhaling a large puff of smoke, he said, "Who could possibly be the sender, young lord? After all, you seem to have many admirers."

Sebastian hurriedly excused himself to the kitchen.

Ciel narrowed his eyes at the drug lord's direction. "This must be someone's idea of a joke. These...these signs of affection are hardly suitable."

Baldroy barged in, smelling like a five alarm fire, and mumbling something about pot roast for dinner.

Just then, a white dove soared from the entrance of the estate and towards the parlor situated in the backyard. It was a lovely thing, lithely curving through the  air, covered with snow white feathers. It appeared to be carrying something- perhaps another message?

Sebastian came out, holding another tray of biscuits. "Oh my," he said. "Your suitors are  quite persistent."

The dove stopped right above Ciel's, and dropped it's assigned package. A single rose, spiraling down, landed in his lap.

A withered rose.

And then, the cheeky little thing pooped, right on Earl Phantomhive's head.


After that little...situation, it took 3 cups of tea and and small bit of white powder for Ciel to finally calm down. He quickly summoned Lau to his study, harshly reprimanding him.

"Was that your idea of a romantic gift?! Absolutely ridiculous!!  I feel bad for Ran Mao."

Lau frowned. "What makes you think that-"

"I wouldn't be surprised if I've scared him off by now, thanks to you," Ciel spoke crossly. "Remember the contract," he reminded. "You promised that-"

"I know, I know," Lau said breezily, waving his hands in the air. "I have everything under control."


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