Jealous Much?

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By the next morning, Ciel had received:

Twelve Drummers
Eleven Pipers
Ten Lords
Nine Ladies
Eight Maids
Seven Swans
Six Geese
Five Golden Rings
Four Birds
Three French Hens
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

The note, which came clipped to the partridge wing, read.

Dearest Ciel,

I hope you enjoy in these gifts I have prepared for you. Merry Christmas!

Your Secret Admirer

P.S My humor is just one of my many amazing aspects

It was the middle of summer. The gifts were piled on the previously spotless bedroom floor, and the poor partridges lay limply on the ground.

The young lord was very surprised to see a crowd peering over him as soon as his eyelids fluttered open. He was further shocked when he open the bathroom door to reveal a group of scantily dressed maids. When Ran Mao suggestively hoisted the top of her very low cut blouse up, Ciel could only stare, eyes bulging, red faced and sputtering.

"Sebastian! Help me! W-What's happening!?!" The maids crowded all around him, their swaying chests towards the innocent boy's face. Just before Ciel was going to explode from overheating, Sebastian entered the room.

"Oh my!" The butler blinked twice. "What a predicament, young master. What do you suggest I do?" He smiled slightly, reveling in his master's uncomfortable predicament.

The maids stopped to admire the fresh blood. Sebastian whispered something in one of their eyes, and the girl flushed in pleasure, before while handing him a slip of paper. She ushered the grop

"Just get me out of here!" Ciel sputtered.

"As you wish, my lord," he replied. "What a disappointment. I had always assumed you were a natural with the ladies."

The maids stopped to admire the fresh blood. Sebastian whispered something in one of their eyes, and the girl flushed in pleasure, before while handing him a slip of paper. She ushered the group out.

Ciel frowned. "I am a natural, just not with-" Blushing bright red, the boy cut himself off.

The butler smirked. "You can't even handle a few women. Then who are you interested in?"

"...Grell!" Was the instantaneous reply.

Sebastian frowned. "Really? I never that thing appealed to you."

Ciel racked his head. "Once you get to know him, Grell is quite...romantic and charming. Yesterday when you were visiting Agni, he came over and we had an enjoyable conversation over tea. You know this gifts from today? He probably sent them."

The demon's expression was stormy. "And I suppose you braid each others hair, as well? Dress up dolls and paint your fingernails together."

"As a matter of fact," Ciel continued, "He did ask me to braid his hair. But I had to kindly decline."

Sebastian's mouth was set in a firm line. "Young master, pardon my rudeness, but you could do so much better than that reaper."

Ciel snorted. "I don't think so, because he is the best. Know your place, demon."

Clenching his teeth, the butler swooped in, plucked up his master and carried him back to his chamber.


As Sebastian finished lacing up his shoes, the young earl was struggling to figure out his knotted thoughts. Is he jealous? He should be. As the butler stood up and tied a bow at his throat, Ciel was an internal mess. And it sure didn't help when the Sebastian's damn finger gently brushed his collarbone.

Should I tell him?

No, it's too soon.

But this plan of mine is working perfectly! I've gotten him all riled up and-

Look at all those girls! Does he even care about you?

I'm sure, somewhere in his...heart he cares.

He's only after your soul. Why do you even bother?

I don't want anyone else! He's the only one.

What about Lizzie?

Stop, I told you that-

The heated self-argument was interrupted with a slamming door. Sebastian had left the bedroom in a flash, coattails cutting the air.

Damn, Ciel thought. He's mad.


Sebastian stormed inside Lao's opium den. The drug lord was shrouded in colorful fumes, and had Ran Mao draped on his lap.

"What do you know about my master's involvment with that reaper?!" Sebastian demanded.

"Isn't the weather nice today." Lao mildly commented.

"I don't have time for this, Lao. What do you know?"

"I know everything, Sebastian. Why don't you take a seat and I'll explain it all to you?"

Sebastian obligingly took at seat one of the chairs.

Taking a deep breath, Lau began his lengthy tale.

"A few weeks ago, me and Ciel stumbled upon the first annual national reaper convention, which happened to be located along the Thames River. When we arrived, the young lord tripped on a rather pointy rock sticking out from the ground. A dashing young gentleman dressed in a sharp, three piece suit happened to be there, and elegantly caught Ciel in his arms. The young lord's eyes went wide open, and they sparkled as he gazed at his saviour. After introductions were made, Grell gently tossed his beautiful, scarlet hair. At that moment, the young lord told me that it was true love-"

Sebastian sighed and stood up. "I don't have the patience for this, Lau. Just admit you have no idea what you're talking about, so I can get on with my day."

Lau smiled, rather cluelessly. "I'm afraid I don't, but maybe I do. 'Tis a paradox as complicated as the meaning of life itself."

"Goodbye, Lau" The butler was halfway out the door.

"Michealis, jealousy doesn't look good on you," Lau called out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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