Chapter Four

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Another week had passed by and Steve hadn't heard from or seen Bucky around at all. Not even in passing. It wasn't until the first football game of the season that Steve had run into Bucky. Steve was the starting quarterback for the team, and Sam was his best runningback. The two made one hell of a team.

The score was 18-14, and they were down to just one minute in the fourth quarter.
It was the third down, and Steve had to make a play. The coverage was way too tight on Sam, and his wide receiver, Pietro simply couldn't shake the two defenders. Steve took a deep breath before he dashed through line of scrimmage. He was rushing. His defense dutifully protected him while he ran the ball in for a first down.

He ran 25 yards, that put them on the 30 yard line. 30 seconds on the clock. Steve pump fakes, then throws a perfect spiral to Pietro. Touchdown. Steve sighs a breath of relief before jogging off the field to let special teams and defense end the game. "Good play, Rogers!" Coach Fury slapped his shoulder as Steve went to grab water.

Steve slipped off his helmet, gasping for breath, his face was covered in sweat and the remnants of the eye black he'd smeared across his cheeks. The game ended and after a brief team meeting, Steve trotted off the field. The stands were still full, eager to congratulate the team before they head home. Steve slaps and shakes many hands, smiling and thanking people as he made his way towards the locker room.

"Not bad, Rogers." A familiar voice called from behind him and Steve turned and smiled at the sight before him. Bucky was leaning casually against the fence, his signature smirk on his lips as he stared back at Steve.

"Buck." Steve smiled as he walked over to the older man. "I started to think I'd never hear from you again." Steve teased.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I always keep my promises." Bucky fired back and Steve bit his lip nervously. He had to fight the urge not to wrap his arms around Bucky and kiss him, because he knew that that wouldn't be appropriate after only one measly night of kissing and grinding.

"I don't think you could ever disappoint me, Barnes." Steve flirted instead and Bucky chuckled at Steve's boldness.

"Nice game." Bucky complimented genuinely and Steve thanked him.

"Plan on helping me celebrate?" Steve asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. Bucky shrugged.

"Depends," he said.


"Are you gonna shower first? Because you're not setting foot on my bike without one." Bucky teased and Steve rolled his eyes.

"Jerk." Steve said fondly as he disappeared into the locker room.

"Punk." Bucky fired back.

After Steve returns from the locker room, he is dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans, a black hoodie, and chucks. "Hey." He smiled when he spotted Bucky precisely where he left him.

"Hey there." Bucky smiles at the sight of a bright, shiny, clean Steve. "I guess you look clean enough to ride with me." Bucky shrugged and Steve rolled his eyes at Bucky. "What's the plan?" He asked as he swung one long leg over his bike, looking at Steve expectantly.

"Well, there's a party at my friend Wanda's. Or we could do whatever. I'm up for suggestions." Steve shrugged as he took the helmet that Bucky outstretched to him.

"Have you eaten yet?" Bucky quizzed and Steve shook his head no honestly. "Pizza sound good?" And suddenly pizza sounded great to Steve. "Hop on." Steve carefully slid one leg over the bike, trying not to hit Bucky. Then he wrapped his arms around Bucky's waist tightly. The motorcycle roared to life and Bucky expertly maneuvered through traffic until he came to a stop.

The two of them ordered themselves a pizza before seating down at a vacant booth. "You played great tonight." Bucky complimented and Steve thanked him once again. "Do you plan on playing football in college?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. My plan right now is to just get into a good school, get a scholarship or two. Then law school." Steve explained while Bucky nodded, clearly listening to what he had to say. "You enlisted after high school, right? Into the army?"

"Yeah. I was a sergeant in the 107th." Bucky shifted uncomfortably.

"Where were you stationed?" Steve asked curiously and Bucky bit his lip quietly.

"Afghanistan mainly. I was in Iraq for a bit too. Few tours in each." Bucky explained. "I was in Iraq when I lost my arm... they sent me home on honorable discharge. I didn't want to come home initially."

"Why is that?" Steve asked softly, making a point to not hammer Bucky with questions.

"In the army, I mattered. I saved lives, I protected our country. I made a difference, even if it didn't feel like it at the time. Now that I'm home? There's not much that I can do." Bucky opened up to Steve who was very patient and understanding, which Bucky admired. He didn't judge Bucky, and he was genuinely interested in the stories Bucky was telling him.

"You're a hero." Steve concluded and Bucky blushed.

"No." Bucky shook his head. "No, I'm no hero." Steve opened his mouth to argue, but Bucky swiftly changed the subject. Steve found himself absolutely enthralled in the notion of Bucky. He listened contently as Bucky told him stories, and answered his questions to the best of his ability. He was infatuated.

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