Episode 1 Pilot

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"Scully a FBI agent called. Mulder's office is just down the hall"
Dana Scully an FBI agent now about to meet her new partner his name is Fox Mulder
Scully walked through the doorway to meet Mulder
Who is it Mulder said
I'm agent Dana Scully she said
Oh come in Mulder replied
A medical doctor, you work in the field too don't you Scully Mulder said
Yes I do Scully replied
So you're going to be my partner on a murder case, I'm sure you've been informed Mulder said
No actually I haven't Scully replied
"Well Mulder said. He handed Scully two photos of a dead body in the Washington DC forest
Woman was found dead in the beautiful forest in Washington DC body found 12:04 Mulder said
Coincidentally two UFO sightings happened at 10:50 PM moments before the murder Mulder added
You don't really believe in that stuff Scully said
That's not the point, look you weren't  assigned to the X-Files Mulder said
You chose the X-Files Mulder added
So this is a map of the forest Mulder said turning the lights off and turning on a projector. The map shined on the screen bright as hell
The murder happened here Mulder said pointing to a specific spot in the forest
We're going to go to the cemetery and then we'll book into a motel Mulder said
Four hour drive Mulder added

Mulder and Scully headed out the FBI main entrance and into mulders car
See the thing is I've been working on the X-Files for a long time Mulder said
It's basically been the main thing in my career Mulder said
Yeah well I think it's just some ghosts and witches, or Bigfoot slash yeti myths Scully replied
Well they said something about digging up the victims grave and that the grave is in a different spot then the last time Mulder said
Ok but they're digging up the grave Scully said
Yeah Mulder replied
After a four hour drive they were finally in Vancouver
Mulder and Scully got out the car and started approaching the cemetery where other agents were waiting
HEY a man yelled at Mulder and Scully
It was a medical examiner with his teen daughter in the car
He approached them and said What's going on no one was allowed here
We're FBI sir Mulder said
Look that dead girl was my daughters friend and you shouldn't be messing with her grave, you know what happened to the other three don't you there's three left billy miles Peggy Odoro, and my daughter the medical examiner said
Sir it's our job we have too Mulder replied
Daddy lets just go home the girl yelled
Come on the girl continued
The medical examiner walked back to the car and sat in and drove off with his daughter
Mulder and Scully approached the grave when they had just pulled the coffin out
Mulder and Scully walked over to it and opened up the coffin and saw a extraterrestrial or gorilla remains in the coffin. Scully Immediately turned around gagging
And Mulder just looked after a small gag
This is crazy, Scully you're a doctor we can take this to that lab down a few blocks and continue from there Mulder said
Really that's a great idea take somebody's sick joke down to a lab and find out what the hell it is Scully replied. Come on Scully we know this isn't her real body, but now there's an explanation for the grave being in a different spot Mulder said
Fine we'll take it to the lab Scully said
Ok Scully said. It's possible this may be something different then we thought Scully added
I knew it Mulder replied
We can do a couple X-Rays Mulder said
No this isn't our lab Scully said.
We're FBI Scully they'll understand that it's for an investigation Mulder replied
Fine but we need to have our own lab Scully said
Can't we just do them here Mulder asked
Alright well do them here Scully replied
They're next plan was to question Peggy and Billy the other two kids mentioned by the medical examiner earlier
While driving to the mental hospital Mulder said to Scully "You know those two wart type things on the victims bodies
Yeah Scully replied
We still have no idea what those are Mulder said
Really Scully replied
Yep Mulder said
When they pulled in and parked they got out and walked through the doors and went up the elevator
They walked into a hospital room and saw a girl reading to another teen boy
It was Peggy and Billy
Is it okay if they ask you a few questions the nurse said to Peggy
I'm supposed to be reading to him Peggy replied
Just a moment the nurse said
After asking a few questions Mulder and Scully didn't get anything out of her about the murder
They decided to go to the motel and go to their separate rooms
When Scully was about to get in the shower she turned and looked at her back and saw the two markings from the victims
Scully immediately ran to mulder's room and knocked on the door
Hello Mulder said opening the door
I need you to look at something Scully said coming in
Ok Mulder said closing the door and locking it
Scully showed the marks to Mulder
Oh those are........ Mosquito bites Mulder said
They are Scully said
Yeah I got bit quite a bit when we were at the cemetery Mulder replied
Eventually Mulder poured two glasses of whiskey and him and Scully drank and talked about how they deal with their jobs
Why are you working on the X-Files Scully asked
I actually wasn't into this at all Mulder said
But I was graduating from college in England and I got a job in the FBI
I began to read the files and I was just fascinated Mulder continued
And then I got this obsession with the X-Files Mulder said
The phone rang and Mulder picked it up
Who is this
What the hell are you talking about!?
Mulder yelled
It's some girl she just said Peggy Odoro is dead Mulder said to Scully
Mulder and Scully drove to a highway and saw the body wrapped up and a big semi truck and police
Mulder walked over to the officer who was talking to the semi truck driver
What happened Mulder asked
Girl just ran out into my truck the driver said
ON FOOT Mulder yelled remembering that Peggy was in a wheelchair last time he saw her. Mulder ran back to Scully and got in the car they drove over to the lab and saw it was burning And there were firemen hosing it down
NO THE X-RAYS Mulder yelled.
When Mulder and Scully got back to Mulder's motel room they heard the phone ring again
Mulder answered and heard help me I'm at the diner
Mulder and Scully then drove to the diner and saw the medical examiners daughter
I have the marks I'm next she said to Mulder and Scully
I'm going to die aren't I she said
No you're not gonna die Scully said
The examiners daughters nose started to bleed
Scully ran and got some napkins
And then the examiner and a detective came in
Come on we're gonna go back home where it's safe sweetie the examiner said
I don't think she wants to go home Mulder said
I don't care what you think the examiner replied
Detective miles the examiner said
You're Billy miles dad Mulder said to the cop
Yeah and you stay away from that boy he replied
They took the girl and left
Later Mulder and Scully went to the forest where the first murders happened
And Mulder ran through the forest when he heard the daughter screaming he saw Billy trying to kill her
Don't kill her Billy Mulder yelled
Billy stopped and looked at Mulder
Billy's dad and the examiner walked in from the left
Dad Billy said when he saw the detective
"Put it down his dad said. Please"
They stopped Billy and eventually took him to the FBI for questioning back in Washington
What made you do this and what happened night of the first murder
The light told me
It was in my head and it said everything would be okay
And the light guided me into it Billy said
When Mulder finished the questions he went back to the forest without Scully and went to the same area where they stopped Billy and he looked into the air and saw a bright light and what looked like a UFO
Later Scully was alone in mulder's office waiting and accidentally sat on a tape recorder and when she did it played
It was Mulder in a therapy session
What happened to you when she went missing
I used to do this ritual type thing where I would close my eyes and walk into my room and open them thinking my sister would be there every night Mulder said
Do you think she'll be back
That's not what I think it's what I know Mulder said
What do you mean
I hear her voice calling my name Mulder said
Well do you believe it's going to lead you to her
No I want to believe Mulder said

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