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I awoke in a sunlit hotel room with no one else in my room. All I found was a note that said
Be back later~ Wendy
Ok. That's good, at least I didn't fuck some random girl last night. I texted Mabel that I stayed overnight at a hotel and would be back later.
-3 hours later-
I walked out of the room to get some lunch. As I walked into the lobby I saw a strange couple. A tall blonde boy and small girl dressed in black. Wait... Lee and Tambry? Really? It worked! Good for him. I gave him the thumbs up as I walked across the street to subway. I was wearing old skool vans, gray shorts, a red shirt, blue sweatjacket, and an white pine tree SnapBack. I walked in and grabbed some chips and a water to go with my sandwich. I started walking back to the mystery shack when I remembered that I was supposed to be in school and that was why Wendy left and Lee was walking that way. As I walked up the lawn, a teacher greeted me with,"Mr. Pines, you have a detention."
-4 HRS later-
As I sat down in my chair in detention, I contemplated escaping. The teacher was sitting at their computer and I got an idea. I knew that there was a bathroom monitor, who was a teacher that stood outside of the bathroom to make sure no one tried to escape, but there was no one in the bathroom. I asked to go to the bathroom, and when I got in. I immediately pulled out my tablet and started logging into the school's network as the principal. I had found his password and was saving it for a special time. I sent an email to the teacher that her and the bathroom monitor would need to get to the office right away, as there was a problem with a kid who was trying to fight the principal. When I heard the footsteps disappear down the hall, I walked into the detention room and explained my actions to the kids, who subsequently followed me in bolting out of the classroom, down the hall, and out of the school all together. I started my walk home, but decided to get Wendy first. I knocked on her door and as she answered, a water balloon came sailing through the door and hit her in the back. She turned around and screamed," You mother fu-" and her dad gave her a look that would scare even bill. She turned to me and said," So. How's it going'?"
"Well, I woke up, ate breakfast at subway, and realized that I was supposed to be at school. I got a detention for showing up late, escaped detention, and here I am."
"Okay then, Mr. Jason Bourne. We should go to your place. My dad's pretty pissed right now."
"Okay, we can do that but no one is home."
"I'm fine with that." She said.


How did you guys like the longer chapters? And would you want more fluff? Possibly a lemon in the next chapter? I don't judge. The next one will be mostly decided by you, but I have some ideas and can get it out before Tuesday.

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