The Beginning Of The End ( part 2 )

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There was Louis in the middle of the storm.....

"What's going on up there", jack questioned as he climbed up the stairs.

He saw me crying and quickly wrapped me in his arms."What's wrong baby", he cooed in my ear.

"L-l-l-l-Louis" I stuttered.

"What about hi-", he followed my eyes to see our baby. "Oh no no no no", he yelled making me move away.

He ripped the boards off the door with such strength I didn't know he had. He looked furious but still a tear shed down his face. He harshly opened the door and all I could do was stand there.... Stunned. That's when I came back to reality..... He is going out In the storm.

"What are you doing?", I had to build up enough courage to say.

"What the hell do you think?" He roared. A tear rolled down my face. I could never handle people yelling at me. Especially men , it scared me!

" I don't know", I mumbled.

He walked up to me and kissed me with passion and love it was slow , yet it happened to fast. "I love you", he said with our foreheads touching.

"Bu- your going to hurt yourself!",I yelled.

"Don't worry about me", he said with a tad of worry in his voice ,"I have to save our Louis."

All I could say was "I love you too!"

His eyes said it all as he walked out on to the porch. Worry, sadness, helping , and scarceness.

I will never forget what he did next......

I watched as he jumped down to the ground from a story up and dove in to the freezing cold water. The tide had stopped being so violent so he could actually swim out towards Louis. Then the scene that kills me everyday and replays in my mind every time I close my eyes. I can still feel the wind on my face as it started to pick up. The wind started blowing FAST!!!

He had Louis in his arms. He was swimming back then....... Then a big truck came out of no where and and was drifting as fast as a river current it ran into the electrical pole. the pole snapped and started to fall into the water!

I didn't even notice but I was screaming,"NO NO SOMEONE HELP ME NO AHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed uncontrollably. The pole hit my jack on the head causing him to go under the water and he floated down the street trying to get his head out from under. As he drifted down the street his body went directly into the electric wire that were in the water.I sat there and watched my own fiancé get electrocuted to death, and my baby die in his arms.

End of flashback

I sat on the stool in my small bathroom and stared into my own eyes. I can't believe I watched the two people I cared most about in my life die! Right in front of my eyes too! 6 months later and still all that I can do is cry..... I reach for my blade...

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