Chasing Shadows

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"I have a message, but there' not much time! For now just don't stop running!"

   Scarlet's eyes snapped open. she looked around at her surroundings. The sky was black and many starts were shining despite the bright city lights ahead of her.  She was on a hill surrounded by dead grass. She suddenly shivered at the brisk air. She reached to pull her non-existent jacket closer to her. She looked down at what she was wearing and thought herself crazy for going out in this weather. She had on a torn gray tank top, ripped jeans, and combat boots.

What am I doing here? she thought to herself. And what was that dream about? I don't remember a thing... She stood and brushed herself off. She noticed immediately that she felt weak. She stumbled but continued standing. As soon as she was stable she felt the urge to begin running for her life. She caught herself and stopped. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain behind her eyes. Turn around she heard. When the pain subsided she turned. Her eyes widened to see a rusty looking car. She walked towards the vehicle. When she reached it she opened the car door.  Sitting down she began to feel the seats of the car. 

"This feels so familiar," she whispered to herself. 

There might be something about at least who I am. She opened the glove compartment, and immediately a bunch of papers fell out. Sitting them on her lap she leafed through them. On the registration she read the name: Josh Wilson. Well that can't be right she thought, that's a guy's name. A sudden thought occured to her. I am a chick right?  Checking her reflection in the mirror and sighed looking at her long dark brown hair that fell against her scarred skin. She then realized that she hadn't checked her pockets for a wallet this whole time. She placed her hand into her pocket and pulled out a wallet and a phone. The first thing she saw was a driver's license. It read:

Name: Scarlet Parks , Age: 17, E/C: dk brwn, H/C: brown, DOB: 10/12/95

As she read this she heard a faint voice yelling "Scarlet! What are you doing here? You have to keep moving they're right behind me!"

Hearing something she looked around. From her left she noticed a figure racing towards her. It looked as if he were running from something, but she couldn't quite make out what. She heard him yell something. As he got closer she understood him.

"Scarlet! Keep moving! Why did you stop? Go! Don't wait for me, they're on my tail!"

She realized he was telling her to get away, but she didn't know why.  When he finally reached her he hopped into the car. 

"You shouldn't have waited for me!" he screamed.


"Go now!"

Scarlet blinked.

"Argh!" He turned the key in the ignition to start the car. Nothing happened. "Why the hell isn't there any gas in here?! Wait there's no time for that!" The strange boy grabbed a bag from the car, and Scarlet's hand and dragged her out of the car not even stopping to see what she had to say about it. They ran nonstop for about five minutes until Scarlet stopped him.

"Wait!" she said.

"There's no time to wait!" he said, "We're far away, but not far enough!"

"Could you just listen to me for a second?!"

"Talk and run! Multitasking is a wonderful thing! We're doin it right now, so just keep the party going!"

"Fine! Who are you, what's in the bag, who am I, What are we running from, and--"

"Too many questions" he said cutting her off.

"Can you at least answer one of them?"

"These are obvious questions that have been taugh to you for years. Some you should've known since birth. I don't know if you're mesing with me or not, but we'll figure it out once we get away from those things.

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Not at all Scar, but right now we have to get to safety"


"No more questions Parks. I'll answer all of your questions as soon as I can in exchange for your forgiveness."

"Forgiveness for what?"

"This," he said injecting her with something that almost immediately made her black out. Before she was officially knocked out the boy slung her over his shoulder. A hundred curses filled her head before her world finally blacked out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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