Before Billy

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My name is Billy Macklin I am 17 years old. Both of my parents kicked me out of there home but I'm living with my brother (Sean) in a flat in London. Sean is my 26 year old half brother.

Anyway, I thought I tell everyone about my life. (It's a bit of a roller-coaster so be prepared) Lets start from when I was not even born.... My parents were only about a month into their relationship when they  found out they were having me. They had just booked a flight to Brazil when they had to cancel dew to my unexpected win of the race. (If you know what I mean) 

I ended up being born on the 25th of April 1998! And yes, with a full on vagina. My mum decided to call me Lilly for no reason at all. But I'm not to bothered about that. After my birth my mum was planning on breaking up with my dad. And here's the reason why:

During the 280 of me sitting in my mothers womb my dad decided to fuck some other girl. (ok dad. Thanks bro.) My mum clearly found out about this but didn't want to break up because of me. Yes, me, the one writing this.

But here's where it get's a little funny/complicated:

The day my mum told my dad about her being pregnant with me my dad was going to break up with my mum. He obviously didn't because he wanted me to have a 'stable' life. Here's the funny thing though: The day my mum was going to break up with my dad, my dad asked my mum to marry him! How interesting. Well she said yes. Their marriage was about a year or so later. I was about 1. And of course I remember the whole thing. (Okay, I am a little sarcastic. You're going to have to get used to that.)

Well, there was an exciting story of BB. (Before Billy) I guess now it's time to get into my older life. My whole life from the age of 6. I hope you stick around to read and maybe even understand a transgender life a little more...

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