Screaming, Crying, Perfect Storms

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"CAN YOU PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE ADAM! I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW OK?!" Taylor screams at Adam. "Taylor, listen to me. Can you please stop yelling so we can figure this out." Adam calmly suggested. "I just... Leave. Now. I can't talk to you right now. I need space." Taylor says. "Taylor..." Adam starts. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Taylor screams, running up the spiral staircase to get to her room, where she slams the door loudly. Adam sighs and sits down on the couch. 'How can things go so wrong?' He wonders.

After a few minutes, Adam hears a muffled sound coming from upstairs. He slowly goes up, carful not to be loud so that Taylor doesn't hear him. He follows the sound to Taylor's room. He can't tell what the sound is, since all the rooms are slightly soundproof, so he presses his ear up to the door. He can hear the sound clearly now. Taylor is singing while playing the guitar. Adam listens intently as Taylor sings. The song is about fighting and crying and almost giving up, but still being in love and still wanting the love to last.

Taylor is about three quarters through the song when her voice cracks and she starts to sob. She tries to calm herself down, but it doesn't work. She can't take her mind off of Adam and how they had their very first fight on their 4th monthaversary. She buries her head in her pillow to muffle her sobs. Her guitar falls to the floor. To her fans and anyone other then her friends and family, Tay is a super strong, healthy, independent woman who has her life completely under control. But once you really get to know Tay, once she lets down her walls for you, it is easy to tell that all of that is just an act. Taylor is really insecure and self conscious, has extreme anxiety and freaks out over pretty much everything. Most people think that because she is not overweight that she is perfectly healthy, but that isn't necessarily true. Taylor is actually underweight. She is a very active person, she is on tour every other year, she goes to the gym regularly, but considering all of that, she doesn't eat enough calories. She weighs only 119 pounds, but she is 5.11 feet tall. Taylor is well aware that she is skinny, and she is happy about it. She hates when people judge her for the way she looks, so she figures that if she was skinny, people wouldn't judge her as much. She hates it when there are insanely fake and mean rumours about her, it hurts her even though it isn't true. And every time that she isn't with her boyfriend, lying there in his arms, she will cry herself to sleep.

Adam quietly knocks on Taylor's bedroom door. The crying stops. "Taylor? Can we talk?" He asks quietly. "Please Adam, I don't want to yell at you, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to say something I will regret. I just need to be alone right now." Taylor says, sniffling. "It's ok, babe. I won't be mad at you, whatever you say. I will always love you, no matter what. You can talk to me, I will listen." Adam replies. More sobbing and sniffling. Adam tries the doorknob, but it is locked. "Taylor please open the door." Adam asks quietly. He hears the bed creak, and small feet making their way towards the door. He watches as the lock on the door slowly turns, and the door swings open to reveal a crying Taylor. Her beautiful, blonde, curly hair is tangled and messy. Her eyes are red and puffy. There is mascara running down her cheeks. She has changed out of her crop top and mini skirt that she was wearing and into one of Adams long, grey t-shirts and a pair of blue lace Victoria's Secret underwear. When Adam sees her, he immediately wraps his arms around her tightly, pulling her into a hug. Taylor gladly accepts the hug, burring her head into his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck. Adam rests his head on top of hers. Tay starts crying again, this time harder then before. Adam rubs her back reassuringly to calm her down, even though inside he is crying too. Eventually, Adam can't hold back the tears any longer. One slides down his cheek. He blinks his eyes to stop more from coming. He hates it when other people see him cry, it makes him think that they think he is really emotional and he isn't strong or manly. 'Why should that matter? Why should I care what Taylor thinks of me? She's my girlfriend, she loves me and I love her. Why should it matter?' He asks himself. He can't seem to find a reason why it matters, it just does.

Taylor is sobbing uncontrollably by this point. She is having trouble breathing. 'Breathe, Taylor. Breathe. Don't panic, you are perfectly fine. Just calm down.' She tells herself. It doesn't seem to have an effect on her, as her crying doesn't stop or even reduce slightly. "Tay? Are you ok baby? It's ok, I'm here. Just breathe babe, breathe." Adam says, lifting his head off hers. He knows how easily she can panic or stress over things. He pulls away from the hug and puts his hands on Taylor's waist. "Taylor, hey. Look at me." He says softly. She looks away and continues to cry. "Babe, listen. You are panicking. Try and calm down, ok? I love you, babe. Everything is going to be fine. I promise." He tells her, grabbing her chin and pulling her head up so their foreheads are touching. In that moment, Taylor tilts her head up so hers is parallel with his, then she crashes her lips against Adam's. Adam is surprised at first, since they just fought, but he deepens the kiss and starts to run his hands through her hair. He can feel her smiling against him, so he smiles back and kisses her harder. After a few moments, they slowly pull away from each other and rest their foreheads against each other again. Taylor looks into his beautiful, green-blue eyes. "I love you so much Adam. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I didn't mean it, I swear. I'm just so happy to have you back, to have you not hate me. I love you." Taylor whispers to him. "I love you more, babe. I love you more then anything in the world." Adam replies. Taylor smiles and plants a small kiss on his nose. Adam tilts his head and starts to kiss her neck. Taylor moans softly. Adam picks her up bridal style and carries her into their room, slamming the door shut behind them.

Hey guys! It's Kenzie. This is the first chapter of my Tayvin/Talvin/Caylor oneshots books. I hope you like it so far! I have two other books right now, one of them I am not going to be updating on called 'Tayvin, The New a Romantics' and one I am going to be updating on called 'A Tayvin Love Story'. I hope you like the idea of oneshots, and feel free to comment suggestions down below! I will try my hardest to write a story for each suggestion, and I will mention who suggested it. Thanks!


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