Everything Has Changed

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Hey guys, just so you know I am going to add POV's to this story, or at least this chapter. Comment if you want them or nah.

Adam POV

My eyes jolt open as I feel the bed shift. I catch myself before I fall, then I turn towards the empty spot where Taylor sleeps. I see her sprinting towards the washroom. I stand up, rub the sleep out of my eyes, and follow her in. She is kneeling in front of the toilet, puking.

'Great,' I thought. 'She probably has a stomach bug.'

I walk over to her, pull her hair out of her face, and begin to run circles on her back. When she stops vomiting, I hand her a box of Kleenex to wipe her mouth, and her eyes, as she is crying.

"It's ok, babe," I tell her after she cleans herself up. "It's probably just a stomach flu, you'll be better soon. Do you wan-" I start to ask if she wants Advil, but she interrupts.

"Adam, it's not a stomach flu. At least, I don't think so... I hope so, but..." Taylor starts before she starts crying even harder.

I am extremely curious as to what she means. If she doesn't have a stomach flu, what does she have? How does she know what she has? She didn't tell me anything... Then again, I did just get back from a gig in la about an hour ago, but still. Why would she hope she has a stomach flu? What could be worse? Some life threatening disease? I really hope that she's alright. I love her with all my heart, it would kill me if anything ever happened to her.

"Babe... What do you mean? I don't think I understand..." I ask her slowly, still rubbing her back.

Taylor looks up at me with sad eyes. I wipe away her tears and kiss her forehead.

"I... I'm scared, Adam..." She whispers.

"Why? Don't be, babe. I will always love you and protect you, forever. No matter what." I tell her. I am bursting, I need to know why she is like this... What is she scared of?

Taylor takes a deep breath. "Well.. I think I'm pregnant..." She whispers, more tears falling down her face.

Bam. There is the news. It hits me hard, I can feel my eyes becoming the size of saucers. I try not to let it show, though, I need to stay strong for Taylor.

"What... When did... But you're... How?" I stutter.

So much for being strong. She starts to cry even harder. I pull her into my arms and kiss her forehead.

'Deep breaths, Adam. Speak, with words.' I think to myself.

I take a breath, then ask her:

"Babe, why do you think you're pregnant? I mean, aside from throwing up..."

She looks up at me with sad, scared eyes.

"I haven't had my period in two months, but I didn't think it meant anything... My period isn't very consistent, so I just sort of ignored it, but I've been worrying about it for a few days. I was going to tell you tonight, but you were really tired so I decided to let you sleep..."

I feel like a horrible boyfriend. How could I not know this?

"Here babe, why don't we go to the store and buy you a test? Actually, you stay here, I'll go. Wait... Bad idea. The paps might go slightly insane if I come out if your house in the middle of the night to go to the store, but a pregnancy test and come back here... Why don't we ask your security instead?"

"Ok, good idea." She says, giggling a little.

'Thank god,' I think to myself. 'She is finally laughing...'

Tayvin/Talvin OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now