See It With The Lights Out

462 21 3

Taylor POV

I spit the popcorn out into my lap and gasp for air. I had been watching Friends and eating popcorn, when suddenly I looked up and Chandler and Monica were making out. Naturally, I gasped, even though I had seen this episode about 50 times, but I forgot I had popcorn in my mouth. The popcorn got stuck in my throat and I couldn't breathe. I eventually coughed up the popcorn, breathing heavily.

I laugh at myself. It amazes me how excited I get over things like tv shows.

I reach my hand into the popcorn bowl, but discover it is empty. I sigh. I put the bowl down on the coffee table beside me and reach for the tv remote to pause the show so I can go make popcorn. But as I am reaching forward, I hear a loud beeping noise, and suddenly I can't see. I fight the urge to scream. I hate the dark, it scares me to death. I don't want to move, but I do. I slowly sit back and pull my knees up to my chest.

"Taylor?" I hear Adam shout.

"Adam! I'm scared!" I cry.

"Where are you babe? I'll come down." I hear him shout back.

"Um, I'm on the couch right now... But be careful, I don't want you to get hurt!" I reply, worry clear in my voice.

"Don't worry babe, I'll be fine... Wait how many steps are on the stairs again? And the staircase is three doors from the studio, right?" I hear him ask.

"Yes, the staircase is three doors from the studio, and I think there are 25 steps on the stairs. But I don't know exactly, so go slowly please! I can't even see, never mind drive you to the hospital!" I tell him.

"Don't worry about me, babe. I'll live." He chuckles.

"Well gee, that's really comforting." I mumble, rolling my eyes even though I know he can't see me.

I shiver slightly. It is winter, I am wearing leggings and a t-shirt, and the power is off. Just great. I hear a small bump coming from behind me.

"Adam? Was that you?" I call out into the darkness.

"Ya babe, that was me... And for the future, there are 27 steps on your staircase..." I hear Adam reply.

"Oh my god, babe! Are you ok?" I gasp, standing up.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry. So wait, you said you're on the couch?" Adam asks.

"Yes, well I'm standing in front of it at the moment." I tell him.

"Ok. I'm gonna walk towards you. Just keep talking, I'll stop when I'm about three feet in front of you." Adam decides.

"Ok... Um, what should I say? Umm... Twinkle twinkle little star..." I begin to sing. I hear Adam laughing from a few feet away. I laugh too, then continue to sing, this time in a low voice with horrible pitch.

"Ow, babe... You're supposed to be good at singing..." Adam says, wincing.

I giggle and reply:

"Says who? Maybe that's not true... I might actually be horrible."

"Baby, I think I'm like right in front of you." I hear Adam say from nearby.

"Actually you're on my right, but close enough." I say sassily, putting my arms out in front of me and turning around. As I turn, I hit something warm and slightly hard.

"Ow..." I hear Adam laugh.

"Oops! Sorry, Adam..." I say, laughing as well.

I feel his hands grasp my waist and pull me into a hug. I move my hands up his chest until I find his shoulders, then I wrap my arms around his neck and burry my face into his chest. I feel his chin resting on the top of my head and his slow, regular breaths against my hair. I smile and run my hands through his short hair. He takes his head off of mine and leans down to kiss me softly. His stubble rubs against my cheeks and mouth, but it's fine, I'm used to it now. He pulls away and lets go of my waist before fumbling around in the darkness for my hand. Once he finds it, he laces our fingers together and sits down on the couch, pulling me on to his lap. I lean back into him and shiver again. My teeth begin to chatter slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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