Maka and Soul ( Is it love?)

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Soul's P.O.V

I was walking through the halls of the DWMA because I really don't want listen to one of Stein's speeches about dissecting. Then I heard her voice calling my name.
I turned around to see Maka running toward me. She then finally caught up to me and asked,"Stein asked me to get you since you where taking so long. Hey, what's wrong?" I hesitated for a second, it's just not time for her to know about how I feel." Uhh.... Nothing I'm just ...tired", I said with my shark tooth grin."ohh... Well come on and let's get back to class"she said with her smile that can light up a room. Without warning she starts dragging me back to class like a rag doll. Man she's really strong that's one of the many things I love about her. Ughhh..... What am I talking about how do I even know if she likes me back.

~~~Time change : heading home~~~

Maka's P.O.V.

Soul has been acting a little strange lately like for example today he's been quite and acting distant. After a long quite ride home I decide to confront him of why he doesn't want to talk to me about it. So I walked up to him while he was sitting on the couch and just plopped on the couch next to him.

"Hey Soul can I ask you something?"I asked while trying to scoot closer to him

"Uhh....sure"he said.

"Well... I-I wanted to ask ... W-why do you seem d-distant lately ?" I asked hoping he would answer.

"Nothing's wrong,I'm fine trust me"he said giving me one of his grins but I can tell he's hiding something from me.

I feel really bad that he won't tell me what's wrong. I really like him but i just have to set my feelings aside. Is it that he doesn't trust me? Or is it because I'm just such a bad meister that he can't even stand me? With all those questions floating around in my head I start to cry knowing that Soul probably hating me.

Soul's P.O.V.

Whoa once Maka asked me again what's wrong with me I had to try to convince her that nothing's wrong but its hard to set aside my feelings toward her. So I gave her one of my famous grins but I saw her getting closer and I just started getting nervous. I then gave myself a mental slap to my face all I have to do is act cool with it and try not to blush.

After I answered her and out of no where she started crying.

"Wait to go soul wait to go , now she's mad at you" I said to myself. But before I could touch her so I can comfort her she runs off to her room and locked herself in.

"Maka, please come out so we can talk. The truth is that I've been feeling tired and been having dreams that the Kishin would come back even though its been 3 years" I said to her but I was lying again because I can't tell her my feelings toward her just not yet. She then opens the door and gives me a hug whispering "promise?" And of course I agreed.

Maka's P.O.V.

I was so happy that Soul told me the truth. So to make it up to him I made his favorite food for dinner . He was so happy I almost fainted from his huge smile. Afterword I decided to hit the hay and went to sleep and after I got out of the bathroom I saw Soul sleeping . I decided to get him a blanket just in case he gets cold and then I noticed something I've never seen before . He looked so peaceful sleeping. Then I decided to go back to my room and sleep.

Soul's P.O.V.

I was dreaming about how it would have ended up if I did tell maka how I felt about her last night but it was interrupted by maka shaking me and attempting to wake me up. Then I made the biggest mistake ever.
"Five more minutes MAKA!"I said whiningly
"Oh fuck"
"What the hell Ma-"
"Well you do have to eat breakfast and plus I made you your favorite." She said with her lovely smile. She did make my favorite which was eggs, bacon, and pancakes. So I dug in and afterwords I told her I'll be hanging out with the guys at 3 and will be back at 5. " Well.... I'm just going to stay home because Tsubaki is busy cleaning and Liz and Patty are just going to stay home doing their nails." Maka said. After getting dressed I heard maka say she just got in the shower so I just left. I was already 2 blocks away from the house and then I just remembered I forgot to do my bed and Maka will be so pissed.

I raced to the house and I guess she didn't hear me walk in but I heard her.

Comment I would really like to know what you guys think about it so far I'll have the second one up at late tonight or tomorrow

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