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My hair stuck to my face as I pushed my way through the crowded pavement of London. The rain was pouring down, and people where scrambling home. I guess I should have taken my roommates advice to take a cab back to our flat.

Luckily it wasn't a long walk from my job at a small cafe to home. I could see my flat just right up ahead, but these damn people were walking their absolute slowest. I was starting to shiver at the cold of the rain.

Finally after pushing through many groups of people, I reached the lobby of my flat. I looked down at myself, I was drenched. My hair was dripping, my shirt clung to me, and my wet skinny jeans made my legs itchy.

I saw someone unfamiliar getting into the lift. I quickly ran to it, hoping to make it in before the doors closed. It was unusual for me to see someone I didn't know it our building, it was usually just the same people.

I sighed in relief when the guy held the doors from closing. I entered the lift and stood next to the guy, hoping to not get much attention from him. When I pushed the button to my floor, he didn't push his. Maybe he's going to the same place, which is odd I've never seen him before.

I got a quick glance at him. He looked tired and stressed out, obviously not wanting to be waiting much longer. I studied his face. He had tan skin and brown eyes, I smiled to myself when I saw his curly black hair. I loved curly hair, wish I had it. His oversized sweater looked cozy, and I really wish I had one myself.

The ding of the lift signaled we were at my floor. I looked at the guy and smiled, and he gave me a nod and a small smile as well.

I got out of the lift and he followed. "So are you new to the building? I ,uh, haven't seen you here before." I said, kinda awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, me and my buddy Michael just moved in, we've been moving stuff in all morning." He said groaning a bit.

"Aw, that sucks. Um, if you need anything, just ask me or my roommate were just right here." I said standing in front of my door.

"Well that's convenient since I'm right here." He said standing in front of the door directly in front of mine.

"That is convenient." I said smiling, blushing a bit.
"I'll see you around, yeah?"

"You sure will." He smirked. He was just about to turn around when I stopped him.

"Hey, wait, what's your name?" I said biting my lip.

"It's Calum, yours?


"Cool." And with that, he left me in the hallway by myself.

"Yeah, cool." I breathed out, and walked into my own flat.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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