"What about Alba?"

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Kian's P.O.V

When I was eight years old I met my best friend, Alba Wells, she was seven. At first I didn't really like Alba, I would always find things I hated that she did, just so I could pick on her about them, but this was my way of 'man-ing up' and talking to her. I remember one time I made fun of her for eating green beans at lunch, but she was so smart, she stood up for herself and told me that she would be a lot stronger than me because she ate her greens, and ever since she stood up for herself that day, we've been best friends.

I watched her bloom into this beautiful young lady that she is today, she's nineteen now, and living in Florida. She use to live here in L.A. Until she got accepted to a college in Florida, that's how she met her current boyfriend, they've been going out for two years. I've always been so supportive of her decisions in life, I've always stood by her side through everything she's been through, and yet she still has no idea that I'm deeply in love with her.

I felt my phone vibrate more than once in my pocket, someone was calling me at 2:30 in the morning. I had been up editing a video that I had filmed with my best friend, Jc. Once I pulled my phone out of my pocket, I saw the name and smiled to myself, "Alba," I breathed out in excitement and cleared my throat before answering it, so it didn't sound like I was too excited. "Hello?" "Kian? I'm so sorry, did I wake you?" Her worrying voice made my heart beat really fast and my face warm, "what? No, I've been up-I've just been editing-are you okay?" I scratched the back of my head and closed my eyes, waiting to hear her voice again.

It's been so long since I've actually seen her face, I miss her so much, "yeah, I'm fine, I just thought I should tell you the news." I opened my eyes and sat up in my computer chair, "news?" "Yes, Charlie and I are getting married! He proposed to me at dinner a few hours ago!" I felt like I had just got hit by a huge fucking semi, "wha?" I couldn't even finish my words, "married?" I spoke with a raspy voice. She can't fucking marry Charlie, he doesn't deserve her.

"Yes! I'm so so excited, Charlie wants to fly out to L.A. So we can tell everyone." I quickly wiped my eye from a tear that had some how escaped, "I can't wait to see you." I told her softly, "I know, we're flying in tomorrow, I'll let you get some sleep though, okay?" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes while rubbing my eyebrow, what was left of it. "Alright, goodnight." "Goodnight, Kian."

I took the phone from my ear and hit the red button that was at the bottom. I felt my body heat up from anger and threw my cell phone across the room, having it hit the wall and then land on my bed. "FUCK!" I screamed and buried my face in my hands.

I heard my door open, "Kian.. You okay?" I looked up and saw Jc in my door way, "Alba's getting married," "what?! To who?!" "To fucking Charlie and the chocolate factory!" I yelled while standing up from my desk chair and sitting at the edge of my bed. Jc knew how much I loved Alba, he always has. "They're flying in tomorrow to celebrate," there was a long pause between us, "I know I'm acting really fucking selfish, but I just know that this kid isn't going to give her what she wants or what she needs-" "and what is it she needs or wants, Kian? You think you can give it to her?" I stared at Jc and stood up from my bed, "she needs someone who is always going to be there for her, and she wants someone who will love her unconditionally," I spoke while talking with my hands, "and I know I can give that to her, because I'm doing that today, I've been doing that since I was eight years old."

"Yeah but, what if Alba doesn't want to break what you two have? What if she doesn't want your relationship with her to go any further because she's scared that if something bad happens that you guys will never see or talk to each other again?" Jc spoke as I laid down on my king size bed, he was making sense, "I don't know, I just know that this doesn't feel right." He nodded as I covered up, "sleep it off, Kian, I'll see you in the morning." I closed my eyes and shut my lights off, "goodnight." I said to him.

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