[Special] Aggie x Dino Skit

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"Hey Aggie?" Dino called.


"Why do you want to marry Wonwoo?"

Aggie sighed. She stared down at the street under her feet.

"Dino-ya." Aggie called.


"Marrying Wonwoo might not be the best decision I've ever made, but for the sake of my life, I can't turn back."

Dino rolled his eyes. He looked at Aggie with his bitchy face. ".... that's it?"

Aggie nodded.

Dino sighed. "Look, there are plenty of boys out there who probably love you more than Wonwoo-"

They both stopped walking. Aggie glared Dino with her sharp yet deadly eyes.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

Dino's eyes got widden. "W-what jealous?!"

"Admit it already."

Dino sighed. "Okay fine, you win. But it's not that I'm jealous, I'm-"

Aggie cut him off as she bursted into a huge laughed. She almost cried from laughing too hard.

"Aww so does my Dino has a crush on me? Does he? Does he?" Aggie teased.

"No, I just like you as my deskmate."

Aggie piped down and continued walking. ".... Oh."

Aggie continued walking and left Dino behind. Dino ran his hand through his hair and began messing his hair.

"Aggie, t-that's not what I mean!"

Dino jogged to catch Aggie up. Aggie whiped her head backward and planted her eyes deeply into Dino's.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't-"

Aggie giggled. "It's okay. Everyone have their own opinion, right?"

Dino piped down and stared down at Aggie. As if a huge stone had been lifted up from his chest, he could breath properly now, unlike before.

Dino put a hand on top of Aggie's head. "Wonwoo is really lucky to have you, Aggie."

There was a moment of silence when Aggie's eyes were shoved deeply into Dino's. But then Aggie ruined the moment as she laughed.

"Okay I know, let's stop the cheesiness."

They both continued walking normally.

"You know, Dino..." Aggie opened up. "Wonwoo might not be the best man ever existed in this world, but he deserves me. Nothing can stop me from marrying him."

Dino looked down apologetically. "I'm sorry..."

Aggie playfully nudged him with her elbow. "It's okay, not your fault though..."

"I'm overreacting, aren't I?"

"No, you're just being childish." Aggie replied with typical sarcasm.

Dino smirked. "I guess I'm just not ready to let you go yet. I've been sitting next to you for the whole year and you're being my friend but now you're with another guy."

Aggie smirked and brought Dino into his embrace. Her arms wrapped around his shoulder tightly.

"I won't forget you, Lee Chan." she whispered, then pulled back after a few minutes.

"We're going to the same college, aren't we?"

"Yup. Same college, same major. We are unseparable!"

They laughed together. Their laugh just drew smile in the sky  so it smiled along with them.

"Hey Aggie?"


"As far as I concerned, I barely see Wonwoo at school. Was there anything he's done to you?"

Aggie hummed for a while. She put on the I'm-in-love face. "We do barely meet with each other, but his emo face is enough to melt my heart."

Dino made a disgusted face. "Okay you may stop now."

Getting more and more curious about Wonwoo, Dino asked more questions. "Why does he so emo?"

Aggie rolled her eyes at him. Without saying anything, she began laughing.

It was so loud that if there were a lot of people there, they would probably stared and thought that she was crazy.

But luckily, it was just the two of them there.

At first, Dino laughed along with her, but then Aggie suddenly stopped with a death glare and she spoke with a dangerously low voice. "Watch your mouth, kiddo. Wonwoo might hear you."

"Okay, chill."

They continued walking in silence. This time, Dino asked carefully.

He began by calling her name. "Aggie?"


"Should we make a couple name?"

"Like what?"

"Well, your name's kinda hard to combine with mine. What about we use something else?"

"Like... ice cream cake?"

Dino clasped his hand together. "Heyy I was also thinking about using food name! But no, ice cream cake is lame as hell."

"Okay then... hmmm.." Aggie began tapping her chin with her index finger. "What about red velvet?"

"Isn't it the same with ice cream cake?"

"Well, yeah litteraly. Why don't you help along?"

"Okay umm... maybe big burger?"

"Big no, Dino. It's the lamest name I've ever heard."

The atmosphere got much smoother than before. Eventhough Aggie looked though, she wasn't smarter than a grasshoper.

"Oh! I know something!" Dino squealed.

"What what?"

"Cinnamon roll! How's that sound?"

"Great! But why cinnamon roll?"

"Uhh... because we're cute like buns?" Dino made a flower pose.

Aggie laughed. "Cinnamon roll sounds great."

Some people just never grown up. They just want to be immature forever.

Sorry about this. Just a lame skit of Aggie x Dino lulz.


Just infroming you that I've started writing Jeon "Jerk" Woo's sequel!!! Yaayy hope you guys love it. Please anticipate it a lot!:)

Fun fact: I wrote this in a day. lol xD

btw how do you guys pronounce 'Dino'? Is it 'dee-no' or 'die- no'?'-'

I've been calling him dee-no the whole time zzzz-.-

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