First Time

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He's just gotten done performing, and I'm offstage not paying attention really well, talking to a crew member when all of the sudden, he's coming towards me, instantly kissing me, but not letting his hands touch me, as if his lips couldn't wait to meet mine. His kiss is firm, with no tongue, but I feel his jaw separate and collapse back around my lips for a split instant. The top half of his body the only part touching me, he reaches his hands out to grab me.

"No, Riker, shit, no, no, no!" I say while resting my hands on his chest but not quite having the will power to push him away. The crew member I was chatting with awkwardly exits our little meet up.

"No?" he says while making a undeniably cute puppy dog sad face, glancing up through that sexy blonde post stage hair.

I pause for a second.

"Dammit. Yes." I say with the slightest sarcastic smile.

He wastes no time, his face breaks into a devilish grin, and he pulls me into him. He smells of sweat and metal and stage dirt and cologne and well, like Riker. He's kissing me again, being firm, but not frenching me. He breaks us for a second and says, "Henh. Maybe this isn't the best spot for this, hunh? My adrenaline's really pumping, I guess. That was a killer show."

I just give him a look that says it all.

He keeps one arm wrapped around my waist as he leads me to the dressing room where Ross, Ryland, and Ellington are talking about the show and of course, the girls, and Rocky is playfully bugging Rydel while she wipes her stage makeup and applies a softer look. While Ellington doesn't have much leadway, him being with Kelly and all, he still can pick 'em. Hell, he picked Kelly! He picked me!

Ross is sitting on the countertop while Ryland is on the couch and Ellington in the chair when we enter.

Riker busts in on the guys' conversation when they mention a particular girl in the crowd. He lets go of me and continues to stand while I plop down on the couch after making Ryland scoot over. Riker begins talking with his hands like he always does when he's excited.

"Man! She was gorgeous! And she knew every word to every single song we played! Ross, bro, you should totally find out who that was! If she's musically inclined, she'd be perfect!" he gleamed.

I shoot him a look and smirk playfully.

"For you, I mean," he adds.

"Un-hunh. Wasn't I that girl one time?" I question, arching my eyebrow.

"Yup. And now, you're all mine. Not just a pretty girl in the crowd anymore. Now you're a beautiful girl in my arms." He pulls me from the couch and into his arms, resting his forehead against mine. I giggle.

"New song lyrics, maybe? I like them." I say while bashfully smiling. He bites his lip. "Maybe so."

He shrugs and kisses me on the tip of my nose.

"Get outta here!" Ellington yells in his fake New Jersey accent, swiping his arm at us.

Riker turns and sticks his tongue out at him, and I laugh. "C'mon." I say as I pull a little towards the door.

He turns back to me, "Okay, girlfriend," he says, drawing the word girlfriend out teasingly. "I've got a surprise for you anyway."

He turns back to the rest of our company and says, "Stage is taken for the next little while you guys. Catch you later!" which is followed by several "Later!"s and "Okay."s and "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"s.

By now, I'm standing just outside the doorway, but still visible, and he rushes out, grabs my hand and drags me to the stage. I head to Delly's piano as I usually do, thinking we're about to have a late night jam session. He's tuning his bass when he looks up and back at me and says, "What are you doing?"

Riker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now