Part 1: Chapter 1: Hospital Alert (2002) (Short Chapter.)

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Rey looked at me as we heard the announcers talking. "You're tagged in first." he said. "Well.. ok." I said, nodding. This is my first Mixed Gender Tag Team match in like forever.. but, I rarely get put with Rey. So.. It's kinda weird. "Ok. Get ready to go." Rey said, pushing me near the entrance opening. 


"About to enter this ring.. Give it up for.. RJ!!!" the announcer yelled into the microphone as I came running out. As I ran over to the ring, I saw all of my fans signs. "Wow.. that;s a lot of signs.. " I whispered. The announcer looked at me. "You're fighing Primo and Kelly Kelly, tonight, Alright?" he asked. "Yup. that's perfectly ok with me.." I replied, mumbling that Kelly was a slut under my breath.

After their entrances~

Rey stood next to me as the Ref explained this match. (Like DQ's and all that other stuff) We both nodded in agreement after, before Rey tagged me in. I stood in the corner, looking at Kelly Kelly. "You're a loser!" I said. "what's your overall average..? 7?" I asked. "LOL You're not funny. Because it's 78!" she hissed back as the bell rang. "Well mines 81! So bring it!" I yelled, running over to her, knocking her over. I sat on top of her, punching her several times in the face before the Ref pulled me off of her. Waiting for her to stand up, I kept taunting and taunting at her. As I did, I looked at Rey, not foregetting that we're married, now.. "C'mon, KK!! Stop being a slut!" I yelled. But, I only saw Kelly before Primo ran over to me, punching me in the face. As I fell over, I heard the bell ring, "Rey and RJ win by way of Male hitting Female!" The Ref yelled as Rey knelt next to me. "Can you see me?" he asked. "Yeah.. But my face hurts and you're blurry." I whispered.

-At the hospital-

(I can't add the hypens for the spanish.. My computer won't let me... :P and, I used google translate.. Sorry if it doesn't make sense.. :PP)

 "Se burla demasiado.." Sin Cara said. "Ok, Ok. Lo se." I replied. "Primo te golped my duro..." Rey said. "Si, el lo hiza." Sin Cara mumbled. I looked at Rey.  "Que Primo decir antes de desmayarme..?" He thought. "Well... Se echo a reir... Lo se es un idiota.." Sin Cara laughed. "Rey eres gracisoso!" I giggled. "Como?" I asked him. He shrugged. "Puedo hacerte una pregunta?" I asked. "Si." Sin Cara replied. "Como te llamas..?" I asked him, "Luis.." he said in a whisper. "Y.. Cuando puedo ver tu cara?" I asked, still looking at the blurry figure in front of me. "Cuando realmente me conoes.."Luis replied before the Nurse came in. "Am I interrupting?" she asked. "No en absouluto.." Luis replied. I giggled. "No, not at all.." I translated. "Good.. Because you have a few 'amigos' here." she said before letting Primo and Kelly Kelly walked in. Rey leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Aseurese de gue se vayan, J.." I nodded. "Umm.. They're no 'amigo'.. They're the reason why I'm in here.." I said, looking at the nurse. "Ok.. Well then.. You guys gotta go." she said, kicking them out, closing the door behind them. "Quieres que nos vayamos? O, quieres que nos quedemos?" Luis asked, looking at Rey. "Que dale, Por favor?" I said. "Claro." Rey said, kissing my hand. "Espera!! Que pasa Aalyah y  Dominik!?" I asked, sitting up quickly. Rey laid me  back down. "Mi madre y  mi padre tienen esta bien, J. Lo que realmentes." he whispered. "Y, por cierto esta sufriendo una fractura en el brazo.." Luis said. "Oh. Bueno eso esta bien.. No.." I said looking at my arm. "Voy.. a vivir, sin embargo.." I added, looking at Rey. "Te amo, J." he whispered kissing my cheek. "Te amo tambien.." I replied, closing my eyes.

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