Chapter One - At The Concert

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After we have arrived at the One Direction concert. Well, we have reached there 10 minutes before the concert starts. So, we went somewhere to buy some snacks to eat and the snacks that we have bought was potato chips and some sweets. Then after 5 minutes has passed, we went back to the concert and wait for it to start. We were sitting on the 6th row away from the stage, cause the concert seats that we bought was 3 weeks before the actual concert day.

As the boys came on the stage, I saw Louis was wearing his famous blue/black stripped top and his red 3/4 length jeans. Liam had on his white top with green sleeves and some jeans. Before the concert starts Niall said "Hey there everybody, welcome to our concert." Then Liam said "So, we are going to start singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' and continue with other songs." As the boys were singing the song, I saw Niall was wearing a Polo shirt and dark blue jeans and I saw Harry was wearing a White T-shirt with Blue Blazer and White jeans pants. 

So, me, my BFF's, and all the other girls and boys who were at the concert were cheering for them and sang along the song with them. :) Some of us were like dancing and some of the people were like putting their both hands up and wave it slowy. My BFF's and I heard some of the girls were screaming loudly until our ears were almost deaf. 

Then the next song is "One Thing". Everyone in the concert sang along and followed their dance moves. As they continues to sing with 16 songs. Then after that they have to rest for a while. So, they went backstage to cool down a litle bit by drinking some water and ate some snacks.

Then after 6 minutes has passed, the boys have to change their clothes before singing their next song on their album called 'Take Me Home'. After we all have waited for 10 minutes, then the boys finally went to the stage and continue their song on their next album.

So, Niall said "Sorry to kept you guys and girls waiting." Then everyone who attended the concert said "It's okay boys." as we all smiled at them and they smiled at us back. And then they've started singing 'Live While We're Young'. We all sang along, we dance and we put our hands up and wave. Then we followed their dance moves while singing along with their song. 

Other than that, they've started singing 'Little Things' after they've finished singing 'Live While We're Young'. We sang along and dance and then after the song had finished. They continued singing 'Kiss You' which is one of my favourite songs including my BFF's ones too.

So, the audiances sang along with the song and we followed their dance moves. Then after the song had finished we all saw Zayn Malik kissing on Harry Styles cheek like what they've did in the music video. Then all the girls were like shouting , some of them were like cheering and then almost all of us said "Aww".  

Then the boys rest for a while on the stage and they started talking and answering about our twitter questions. Although, some of the questions were kinda funny, awkward and weird, the boys manage to answer them and they don't mind asnwering those questions. 

More over, after the boys had finished aswering those twitter questions, they continued singing their song. Before they sang the song, Liam said "Thank you for all the twitter questions that you have asked us. I really appreciate that." as he smiles at the audiance. Then Niall continued by saying "Well, we are going start singing our next song which is 'Rock Me' and followed by the rest of the songs."

So, as they started singing 'Rock Me' , some of the audiances went wild by dancing and sang the song along with them. So does the rest of the songs like 'Back For You', 'Summer Love' , 'Truely Madly Deeply' , 'Love You First' , 'Last First Kiss' , and ecetera.  

Therefore, after the concert had finished, we went to thier "Meet And Greet" session for their autograph which is 4 feet away from their dressing room. During the "Meet And Greet' session, some of the girls were like fangirling and said "Hi" to the boys. Some even ask them "How are you?" and they said that their good. Then me and my BFF's saw some of the girls were holding a cardboard saying "I love One Direction" , "I love you Zayn Malik" , "I love you Liam Payne" and ecetera. 

Then after the 'Meet And Greet' session had finished we went to their dressing room and waited outside. While waiting we also saw 4 of the girls were coming towards us and said "Hi' to us and my BFF's and I make friends with them. Then the four girls introduce theirselves by saying "Hi my name is Hannah" , "My name is "Nina" , "My name is Aroma, "And my name is "Meghna".

While we were introducing ourselves and talking about the boys with our new friends, suddenly all us saw the boys were walking towards us and said 'Hi' to us. Then we heard Louis said "What were you girls doing here? I thought you girls were going back?" as he smiles at us. Then one of my BFF's replied "We were actually wanted to meet you guys in person cause some of us wanted to give you something.

Then me and my four new friends took out a small piece of paper that has already written our twitter names. So, we ask the boys to follow us on twitter politely and the boys smiled and said yes. So, the gave the small the piece of paper to Zayn Malik, he fold it and put it in his pocket.

Then after that me, my BFF's and my four new friends said "Good bye" to them and the boys also said the same thing to us. Then we all left and walk towards the exit and we split (me and my four new friends) and my BFF's and I said "Good bye" to them and they also do the same with a smile on their face. 

Okay, Chapter One is finally done. :D Hope you girls/guys enjoy reading it and vote. I will be writing Chapter Two soon. :) 

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