Chapter 2: Letters and The Lamp

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1st person P.O.V.

As fast as my legs can carry me I run to the palace. When I arrive I run to my room and practically tear off my disguise and rush through the palace to find Jafar.

When I finally find him he's standing in front of a wall with his hands on it. I scowl, "Jafar!" And walk over to him "Oh, princess" he bows, "how may I be of service to you?" "The guards just took a boy from the market, on your orders!"

"Well, your father has charged me with keeping peace in Agrabah" he puts on a devious smile, "the boy was a criminal" I put my hands on my hips and ask "what was his crime?" "Why, kidnapping the princess of course"

I roll my eyes, "he didn't kidnap me, I ran away!" "Oh, dear," he says as he walks over to stand near a few seats, "oh, how frightfully upsetting" he looks at me, "had I but known!" "What do you mean?" I ask confused. He puts his hands together, "sadly, the boy's sentence has already been... carried out"

"What sentence?" I ask barely above a whisper.

"Death" he says in a sinister voice.

I gasp and put my hand over my mouth.

"by beheading."

I shake my head, "no..." I collapse onto a seat. "I am exceedingly sorry, princess" he puts his hands on my shoulders. I jerk away and look him in the eyes, I ask trying to hold back tears, "how could you?" I get up from my seat and run from the room crying.

I run outside to the fountain and cry at the edge. I feel Rajah nuzzle my arm, I look up, "it's all my fault Rajah, *sniff*" I wipe away a tear and look him in the eyes. "I didn't even know his name". I lean into him and he hugs me as I cry into his fur.

Aladdin's P.O.V.

Meanwhile in the dungeon.....

I'm in chains on the wall, I've been struggling for the past hour. I decide to give it one more go and I start struggling again.

After a minute or so of that I give up. My mind immediately switches to thoughts of the princess, Jewel, I think her name was.

"She was the princess! I can't believe it..." I put my head back on the wall, I sigh in frustration "I must've sounded so stupid to her!" I hear some chittering and look up to a window about twenty or so feet above me and see Abu.

I grin, "Abu! Down here!" He swings down to me. Once he's down to my level, I say "hey come on, help me outta these" I gesture with my head towards the cuffs.

He instead starts yelling at me in monkey chatter then he jumps off my knees. He brings his vest over his head and does an odd impression of Jewel. He jerks the vest down and swings his arms at me angrily.

"Hey, she was in trouble... Ah, she was worth it" 'yeah, yeah, yeah' chitters Abu as he starts fiddling with my cuffs. My eyes roll as I look to the floor, "don't worry Abu I'll never see her again... I'm a street rat remember? And there's a law, she's gotta marry a prince" he uncuffs me.

I rub my wrists while muttering "she deserves a prince". Abu holds the pin he used in victory but I ignore him. I sigh, "I'm a... I'm a fool" "you're only a fool if you give up boy" I avert my eyes to look in the direction of the voice and see a ragity old man with a long white beard and crooked teeth looking at me.

I sit up, "who're you?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He grabs a cane and starts hobbling over to me. He says "a lowly prisoner like yourself... But together! Perhaps we can be more" he rubs his fingers together. I narrow my eyes, "I'm listening" "there is a cave boy, a cave of wonders!" He gets in my face, "filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams!"

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