Popularity, is all you ever think about?

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I wrote this on my Facebook, and yeah.

Just to show..It means nothing! I just want your opinion!

Imagine this. You are a very popular girl in school, adored by everyone. A new girl has came to the school..She starts becoming popular instantly taking your spot. Before she can reach it you start a horrible rumor. A rumor that ruins her life. That rumor is...'She only moved schools cause she had no boys left to fuck. She is such a slut.' Everyone immediately starts bullying her. The reason she moved school's was because she was getting bullied. You just made it a lot worse for her. One night you forgot you added her as a friend and you decided to play a game with her so you messaged her.

You: Hey slut
You: Are you gonna answer loser?
New girl: Leave me alone
You: Why should i?
You: You know what you just a fat loser go kill yourself!
New girl: has logged off.

You get a post notification You've been tagged in a post by your boyfriend it's a video of her..Singing. You listen..She's amazing. You start to feel jealous cause she is better. You instantly start posting hate on it. You love music just like she does. The only thing keeping her Alive is music, but you just  took all of that from her.

The next day in school She comes to school everyone starts singing mocking her all because of you. She's looking deathly pale and deathly skinny but you don't see it. You just want her gone out of the school. But she takes it to far. That day at lunch time she never ate. All her friends kept Putting a diet plan on her table and she looks extremely sad and pale but no one notices.

The next day she come to school..But you see her in the restroom with a blade in her hand cutting her wrist. You instantly take a photo and post it on every social media. You instantly get comments like 'Oh my god she's suck a freak' 'emo' 'attention seeker'. Everything. You end up posting it as you pinned tweet on twitter. You got over 100 likes and 200 comments telling her how she should die. You agree. She goes home that day and posts something. Something you read and start to cry realizing what you have just done. 

Dear everyone that hates me!
I'm so sorry to anyone I'e let down. I know I'm a attention seeking whore who should die. So you are getting your wish. Aren't you happy? You ruined me. I never deserved any off this. I'm just a 15 year old girl. A girl who hasn't lived her life to the fullest. I'm so sorry (Y:N) that i nearly took over your popularity. No stitches can fix my broken heart. I have over 100 scars and cuts on my body. All because of your stupid rumor (Y:N) I hope your happy cause i no longer am.

Mum and dad..I love you dearly but I'm just a worthless person. You Cared for me but you guys could never see the pain I'm in. I love you I'm so so sorry.


That photo of her crying is there last photo you see of her. She's gone. She dead. also its all your fault her parents lost the most beautiful thing. She never had a real mother. Her real mother left her alone she was only 4. She got bullied at her old school and old foster place. All because one person could not keep her mouth shut. She moved schools then this person to ruin her life is you. I hope you happy was the last thing she said before she hung herself. She's gone for good. There is a knock on your front door you parents open it seeing the police standing there. The last thing they have prove off is you. You telling her to go kill herself. You put in jail. Cause she actually did it.

Now do all of you see what bulling can cause? Yeah? good don't do it. Its kills over One million people a year. 1 in 5 children bring a gun to school. And 3 in 10 children are bullied. Most of the kids that are bullied cut. If your that girl/boy...That bullied people i hope you understand. That you can kill so many people buy one 3 words 14 letters 'go kill yourself'  that kills so many people. I hope you got my message...Just please understand.

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