Chapter 16- Can you Define Love?

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We sleep together, I think he gave me a handjob... have to look that up. I also have to look up what jealously means as well. We take a shower together.  We eat and live together. Is that considered a couple?

Haru lifted his head towards Makoto's desk. There, was a shiny, black laptop. Haru wanted to look up the definitions he was thinking about. I want to spend all of my time with Makoto, Haru sighed, dropping his head back on Makoto's chest. But we have the whole weekend together. I need to look up the definitions...

After a few moments, Haru finally got the strength to get up. It was a bit chilly, since Haru was no longer able to feel the warmth of Makoto's body.

Alright, Haru sighed, sitting on Makoto's chair and opening the laptop. Thankfully, Makoto didn't have a password, so Haru was able to get into Google and search up the definitions.

Handjob: an act of male masturbation, especially as performed on a man by someone else. What's masturbation?

Masturbation: erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies.  

Well, Makoto certainly did that to me, Haru thought. Jealousy: the state or feeling of being jealous. You don't say? Jealous: feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship.

'Unfaithfulness in a relationship?' Makoto and I aren't even in a relationship. Haru scrolled down, trying to look up for definitions of the word, jealous. However, he was unable to find a definition that suited his situation. Well, that shows that I'm not jealous of Makoto, or Makoto Fukui, or anybody.

Haru sighed in relief. How to know if we're a couple. 1. You visit often. We live together. 2. Know his friends and family. Duh. 3. Awkward Introductions. All the time. 4. We sleep together. Yep. 5. Displays of affection. Pretty sure? He might just be trying to be nice. 6. Trust.

Haru looked at the last sign. Trust. Makoto doesn't trust me. He doesn't trust me enough to tell me who he likes. Perhaps... Haru carefully closed the laptop. Perhaps he doesn't like me.

Haru looked at Makoto, who was still sound asleep. I would do anything for him. Haru sighed. I want him to myself. I will kill anybody, do whatever, go back time... just anything, if he gets to stand next to me and say our wedding vows. I want to be able to kiss him and not be sorry about it. I just want too...

"Haru?" Makoto groaned, yawning. "You're up already?"

"Yea, want some breakfast?"

"You bet! Wanna go out? There's this amazing American restaurant down a few blocks. A friend of mine told me about it."

He's talking to other people. Man, I really do have to stalk him. I was hoping I didn't have to do something so extreme.

Haru nodded.

"Then, we can go to the bookstore! I really need to catch up on some manga. Afterwards, we can go to Sakura Bistro for lunch! You also have to work there as well, so it'll be hitting two birds with one stone!"

Seeing sleepy, energetic Makoto made Haru happy. He tried to cover his laugh, but he couldn't help but to be amused.

"What's so funny?" Makoto yawned.

Haru shook his head as of saying nevermind. He got out of Makoto's chair and crawled onto his bed, cuddling up next to him.

I want him all to myself. I don't want anybody else to have him.

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