Chapter 15

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Harmony p.o.v

These past 2 or 3 weeks I guess you can say I'm okay and the baby is ok but my dad kicked me out the house so now I'm staying with Jacquees but today I'm going to go to the mall but first i went took a shower after i got out i put on red hoodie , black leggings than put on my brown timbs than flat ironed my hair after that I grabbed my keys and left

Asia p.o.v

Today was going to be like a chill day for me an Issa i mean it's like I basically live there so I asked him to take me home so I can pack the rest of stuff an move in with Issa

Baby , you know your sister birthday coming up right ?

Yeah , I know

What we going to do ?

Don't know and don't care right now

What is wrong with you ? It's like ever since you found out your sister been pregnant y'all haven't talked


Wtf is wrong with you

Man nothing is wrong with me

Ight whatever

Well I guess your not taking me soo

Taking you where

To get the rest of my stuff i told you that like 10 damn minutes ago

Girl , if you don't lose yo damn attitude

OMG , whatever don't take me then

Man , chill tf out damn 

Harmony p.o.v

I haven't talk to my sister or my dad ever since they found out i was pregnant the only person I've been talking to is Jacquees and my mama those the only people who will listen and help me but other than that it's okay ig but when i got home i put the groceries up and went to go cook something for lunch 

Asia p.o.v

Since Issa made me mad i just started to think about things and how it wasn't fair on how my dad treats me an i barley talk to harm anymore maybe if we all sit down together they will understand

Harmony p.o.v

So while me and Jacquees was sitting down eating all of a sudden i get a call from my mom saying come to the house we need a family talk so i took a shower after i got out i put on Victoria's secret teal sweatshirt , black leggings than went into my closet put on my socks and bailey bow uggs and put my hair in a high neat ponytail and told bae i be back going to my moms house so than i left i pray and hope nothing bad happens 

Asia p.o.v

So my mom said we all gone go over and have a family talk so i put on my black pants , white polo shirt , and my pink bailey bow uggs then i left an went over to my mom an dads house

Tiny p.o.v

So since everyone is here i'm going to start the meeting ... All girls which one of you want to go first 

I will go *Harmony says*

Go head *Tiny says*

So apparently y'all two stopped talking to me the only two people that have been there is mom and Jacquees not once have y'all asked me how i'm doing that really made me upset and cry like i also need y'all in my life why tf y'all acting like y'all can't talk to me it's like mom has been there for me tbh but it's okay ig maybe if i moved away it would be better 

Sissy chill out dad hasn't been there for me either so your not the only one an sometimes you know you have a crazy attitude 

I know I know 

Tip , you got anything to say 

Yes .. See y'all think it's okay to be out there being fast and Harmony yo ass messed around and got pregnant trying to be fast in shit how do y'all think it make me out there look as an artist and have them thinking my daughters out there being hoes and shit and the press coming up to me with all these damn questions now i'm just gone be quite 

See omg really dad 

Tip , that's not cool what you said 

Ok , you right but i'm sorry girls 

Whatever maybe i was wrong about coming over here 

Yea . Come on sissy *Harm Says*

Bye Mommy 

Bye girls

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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