Chapter 14

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Asia p.o.v

This morning I woke an took a shower after I got out I put on a Nike shirt an some nike pros an waited for Issa to get back from talking to my dad .

Harmony p.o.v

Today I thought I'd stay in the house and chill with my baby but the thing is idk if he used protection

Issa p.o.v

After getting done talking to Asia dad about how she feeling and all he not mad no more so it's all cool now but before i went back to the house i went got us McDonalds

Harmony p.o.v

So I've been mostly throwing up all morning so I decided i go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test but first i went took a shower after i got out i put on red shirt , gray leggings and went into my closet put on my red converse after that I threw my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my keys and headed to the store

Asia p.o.v

So apparently my dad i guess says he's over there situation but whatever I'm glad my baby brought me food after we ate we watched a couple of movies and took a nap

Harmony p.o.v

So i guess I'm .......

Asia p.o.v

So while i was sleeping my phone started ringing and it was my sister

Phone call :

Me : what you want i was sleeping

Sister : my bad but it's important

Me : alright what is it

Sister : i have a .....

Me : OMG

Sister : shhh , you can't tell mom and dad

Me : alright I won't

Sister : night love you

Me : love you too

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