Chapter Four

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"Chairs in perfect alignment, check. Fresh flowers for the bouquet and for decoration, check." Cinder could hear Iko going through her list in preparations for the wedding. All the guests had just left from the ball. She and Kai spent the evening greeting the leaders of the different countries making up the Earthen Union, who would later be at the wedding. Queen Camilla was the first to congratulate them on the engagement.

All the journalists and reporters with their obnoxious cameras had left.
Finally she was alone. Well, except for Iko. And the rest of the crew. And all the Earthen leaders with their officials.

"Er, Cinder, where's your dress?"

"In the closet." She turned around from the darkening window and saw Iko rustling around in the closet, until she found the gown.

"Got it! Put it on. I'll go get the other girls to help you." She handed the dress to Cinder.

"Uh, okay, but that won't be necess-" Cinder started, but the android was already gone.

She let out a breath and turned back to the mirror. She slipped the gown over her head and looked at her reflection, smiling at herself. This dress was slightly different from her ball gown. It was a paler blue, with a simple sweetheart neckline. The bodice clung to her torso, showing off her slim figure, and the skirt was fuller. The hem at the bottom had been threaded with gold, courtesy of Winter. 

As predicted, Cinder managed to spill her drink over the front of her gown. Iko quickly escorted her to her bedroom to change. Cinder was too embarrassed to go out again, so she just stayed inside for the rest of the ball.

She fiddled with the engagement ring on her hand. She was nervous, though she didn't know why. She knew what to expect, knowing that she would be married to someone she truly loved and loved her back for who she is. Someone who didn't see her as a lowly cyborg with no promising future. 

She was jolted from her thoughts when the door clicked open and three other girls came in, ushered by Iko.

"It's gorgeous!" Cress came over to feel the material. "Let me guess. Iko picked this?"

Iko nodded proudly. "It's perfect, right?"

"The gold threading at the bottom adds a nice touch, doesn't it?" Winter sat down next to Cinder's feet and began to check that there were no loose threads.

Scarlet hugged Cinder. "I'm so happy for you, Cinder. You look beautiful. I'm sure Kai will have his breath taken away." Cinder ducked her head, extremely glad that she couldn't blush.

"Thank you, Scarlet. I really appreciate it. But I have no idea how to do my hair or what jewelry to wear."

With a sly smile, Scarlet produced a box from behind her back. "No worries about the jewelry."

Cinder opened it up. A layered pearl necklace was set in the plush velvet, with small stones of ruby between every other pearl. Cress took it out and fastened it around the soon-to-be-empress's neck. "It accents your ring and dress perfectly."

Cinder was touched. Her friends were truly doing their best to make her feel and look beautiful on her wedding day. Thank the stars she couldn't cry.

All the girls gave her a group hug. "I don't know how I can thank you enough for all this."

"Don't ruin your dress and try to not spill anything on yourself until you get married," Winter said simply. Everyone laughed, Cinder feeling lighter than she had in awhile.

"Better let me do your hair," Iko said, "and then you'll be all set to go."


Kai looked at Thorne, exasperated. "We are not doing fireworks in the middle of the garden. Do you want to make everyone deaf or scare them off? And not to mention, attract the attention of every citizen in New Beijing?"

"Why not? The Fourth of July was last month. It' still not too late." Thorne adjusted the chairs so they were in even rows.

Kai ran his hand through his hair. "This is a wedding, Thorne. Just because you do it in the American Republic doesn't mean you can do it here. Everything has to be perfect."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Emperor. Whatever you and Her Imperial Majesty wants."

Kai took a deep breath to refrain himself from strangling Thorne. He was certainly not making anything easier.

"Will you two please shut up?" Jacin appeared carrying a vase of flowers and a bouquet. He set them down on a table and glared at Kai and Thorne. "I can hear you two bickering from the other side of the the garden."

"Sorry, but Thorne has the worst ideas ever."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all realized that a long time ago," Jacin drawled.

"I know you're all just jealous that you didn't think of it first," Thorne replied arrogantly.

Wolf came over with an armful of paper streamers. "Should I start hanging these up over the altar?"

"Yes, and make it as neat as possible."

Wolf grunted. "I'll try."

The cool breeze picked up, and Kai took a moment to relish it in the warm night. Cinder was inside with all the girls preparing for the walk down the aisle. Kai was relieved everything had gone as planned. He missed Cinder over the two years, and not being able to clear his schedule and make time to visit her made him feel guilty. She had done a great job at turning Luna into a republic, and he hadn't been there supporting her.

He was glad she had said yes, because he wouldn't want his empress to be anyone else but her. Ruling the Eastern Commonwealth with another strong leader would take a lot of weight off his shoulders, especially with someone he truly loved.

"Everything's ready, Your Majesty." Kai turned around and saw his royal adviser, Torin. "I came back it time to help with the reception." Kai grinned and shook his hand.

"Thank you, Torin, really. I was worried you wouldn't be back in time."

"Everything's fine. I suggest you and the others go change. I'll go get the leaders of the Earthen Union and get them seated."

Kai let out a breath. "I'm ready."

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