Chapter 13

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A/N: I feel so ashamed that I was calling this a Han/Leia fic when there was hardly any mindless banter. So, my apologies and thanks to pinayblonde for pointing it out. Truly, I am ashamed. Also, sorry for the short chapter, but the content in this one is . . . I've already said too much! I'm so excited!
 "Stop that!"

  "Stop what?"

   Leia abruptly jerked out of Han's old, still keeping a firm grip around the E-11 Imperial blaster's handle. Glaring over her shoulder at Han, she told him. "Stop touching me like that! I think I know how to hold a blaster by now!"
  Han could only smirk with a small shake of his head. This was how the last couple hours had been going. Just smooth as duracrete. "Well, then! I'm so sorry, Your Worshipfulness."
  "And then the names again." Leia didn't even bother trying to keep the irritation from her voice as she rolled her eyes and turned to fix her stare on the next red target. Leveling her blaster with the target, she purposefully ignored Han as he started on her, his taller frame leaning over her. "Look, Princess. Let's get one thing straight. I take orders from one person. Me!"

  "I was hardly ordering you around. I asked you to stop touching me."

  "And I don't have to help you, either! I could just leave you here by yourself to figure this out, to figure your whole suitor thing out, too."

  That got Leia to stop. Slowly, she lowered her weapon, turning on her heel to once again face the Corellian scoundrel. Narrowing her eyes to slits, she asked him very carefully, "Since when did you think I was asking you for help with my suitors?"
  A cut off laugh escaped Han's mouth and he planted his hands on his hips, watching her glare. "You see, that's kind of the thing. You never really asked. You just . . . started. I'm not some kind of kriffing psychologist, Princess! Yet you just come to me and start talking!"
  "I come to you?" Leia brought a hand to her chest, truly flabbergasted by Han's claim. "If I recall correctly, I asked you several times to leave me alone, but you kept following me and coming through my window."
  "Well, it was your fault for letting me in! See, I think I've figured it out." He jabbed a finger at her, accusingly. "I think I get why you're keeping this game up. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sights."

  "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain."

  "Delusions? Delusions?" After taking a step back, he jumped back to her feet, leaning in real closely, just in spite of her. "You know what? I have been across the galaxy and back, but I can promise you, that I have never met anyone half as difficult as you."
  "You sound like my aunts. I should really introduce you."
  "You know what? That's it! I. Quit!"

  "You can't quit!"

  "Oh, yeah? Give me one good reason why I can't quit. Huh, Princess? Intrigue me. I'm listening."

  "I'll give you three. You're a smuggler and you've been stalking me. And I'm royalty."
  "Well, those are . . . uh, some very good reasons."


  For as long as Raal could remember, Leia had been his best friend. Never had he trusted anymore more, loved anyone more. He'd always been so close to her, it hurt him that things seemed they could be that way no longer. He longed for the simpler days when they didn't have marriage proposals and thrones to worry about. He longed for the days when he and Leia were younger, days like this holo. Young and carefree, happy and laughing, there was a younger Raal with a younger Leia, both of them only six years old.
  "Yes, dear?" Mistress Panteer turned from her documents, standing to meet her younger son where he stood, staring at their holo collection.
  "Things really used to be like this?" he asked. The mother, for a moment, could only offer a sad smile as she laid her hand on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Yes, they used to be. I'm afraid the summers aren't so blue anymore. And you and Leia . . . I'm sorry, dear. I know it's been tough. Considering how close you two have always been, I've been caught off guard, too."
  "But, this was real?"

  "Ohh, it was very real, Raal. You and Leia were best friends, always depended on each other, and both of you were so much happier."


  After a couple hours of firing off the same blaster repeatedly, Leia's muscles were starting to get sore and she longed to sit and rest, but she hadn't come very far with the stupid Imperial blaster. Rolling her head around to ease the pains in her neck, she prepared to fire off another few shots. All of which missed the target. Irritated, she let out a heavy sigh and brought back the barrel of her weapon to refill its power pack.

  "No," Han objected, quickly rising to his feet and taking the blaster from her.

  "Hey!" Leia reached or the blaster to snatch it back, but Han had a significant height difference over her and he walked away, his arm raised, holding the blaster. "You've been practicing for hours and now you're just frustrated. Your shots keep getting worse and worse."

  "They are not!"
  "I think it's time for a break."

  Han set the blaster back in its place and turned to Leia, shaking his head. "You just don't give up, do you?"

  Leia gave the blaster a weary glance and explained to Han, "I was going to use that blaster to shoot a hole through Prince Gram's head."

  Han had to bite back his laughter, but Leia, ever one for some good old-fashioned sarcasm, continued. "You see, the whole episode at the restaurant didn't work, so I figured I might as well do things the easier way, just . . . end it."

  "Just end it?"

  "Yeah, just end it. So, I came to you, asked you how to shoot that blaster."

  "So you could end it?"


  Han had to stop for a moment of reflection as he watched Leia play with the blaster. Somehow, Han struggled with exactly how, he'd managed to peel back a layer to the princess and now he saw that there was more to her. Behind that thick veneer she preferred to mask herself in, she could laugh, tell a joke, take one. She was different than how Han had imagined a princess to be. She was different than Bria had been. Stronger, fiercer. And Han had to like her for it.
  Then, Han caught himself thinking these things. And he stopped. A sudden realization dawned on him, his word choice revealing more of his deeper thoughts to himself. Frightened by the turn of thoughts, Han felt like he was running out of breath, like his heart had caught in his throat. Quickly, too quickly perhaps, he got up, dropping his ration and reaching for his own blaster, turning to leave. Leia looked up and asked him, "You're leaving?"
  "Yeah," he nodded, swallowing on a dry throat. "We can work on the Imperial blaster again tomorrow. I think we've worked long enough today."
  "Okay," Leia agreed with a nod, her chestnut tresses waving slightly with the motion. Reaching out a delicate hand, she handed him his jacket. "But, tomorrow, be careful when you come. My aunts will be here all day, picking out my outfits for dates."
  "Dates," Han nodded back, accepting his jacket and nearing the door. "Got it. Tomorrow." Han hurried and left.

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