Chapter 20

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  "You're taking her out?"

  "Well, our latest sessions have been slow. I thought a change in scenery might help things."

  "How far?"
  "Just outside the court. You mustn't worry so, Bail. There'll be a guard with us. Two if it makes you feel any better."

  Bail Organa considered and Sabé could only stand there and wait, her chest swelling with hope. Her hands folded nicely just below her belt line, she waited for a response, maintaining a look of patience and honesty. No, Bail, she thought with a wicked smile. You needn't worry about my plans for the day. Just . . . worry about yourself. Please.
  Bail crossed his arms and returned his dark-eyed gaze to her. "Two guards," he held up two fingers and Sabé nodded. "Of course, Viceroy. I understand how close the Hapans are getting. We'll take two. Maybe even an extra third. But really, do you not trust me with the princess?" Then, just as she always seemed to be doing these days whenever she ended a conversation with the Alderaanian queen or viceroy, she hurried off before Bail could fit in another word. Yes, she had big plans for the day. If Leia's own parents were to not know of this secret suitor, Sabé could promise she'd take care of the captain if he wasn't the right guy for her niece.

  Instead of being dressed in her usual skirts in this young morning, Sabé was already wearing her training gear, plain olive-colored pants, a navy blue shirt, and a thin black vest. Hurrying up the staircase to Leia's room, she snapped her gloves from the loop where they hung on her belt and started pulling them on, using her elbow to harshly knock on Leia's door. "Leia Organa! I was expecting you downstairs five minutes ago! Get out here right now!"

  After she'd pulled on her thranta-riding gloves, she snatched her comm from her belt and keyed in a brief sequence. "Olin, we're getting ready to leave. Where are you?"

  "Just outside the palace walls," came her answer. "The bench beside the entry way."

  "But it's so early!" the princess whined, opening the door to reveal herself dressed in her own training outfit with her hair still hanging down her back. "As much as I'm excited to visit him, must you come along?"

 Sabé sighed at the sight of an unready Leia and practically yanked her out the door. She gathered up Leia's hair and started making it into a single thick, simple braid. "Sweetheart, I already know your father would never approve of him and I've been encouraging this for several months now. I don't think you have anything to worry about."

  "Stop that. Yes, I do. Since Mama and Papa don't know about him, you're going to play protective father and make sure daddy's little princess doesn't get hurt."

  "Oh, look at you! You know me so well. Leia, you're like a niece to me. If we're keeping this from your parents, I'm going to take matters into my own hands. If he ever hurts you, I'll slit his throat and-"

  "Sabé, I am well aware you used to be a Nabooan handmaiden, among the most trusted of Naboo's security forces. I don't need to know the details of what'll happen if Han upsets you."

  "That's right, my girl. You don't want to know. I'll have him dead within the hour!"

  "And that's why you're my aunt!"

  "That's right, Princess. Now, come. Let's get going. I'm not sure I can wait much longer to meet this prince of yours. And let's sneak out quickly before your father realizes I only intend on taking one guard."


  This was the second time Leia had visited the Millennium Falcon, the second time she'd visited Han here. Although, Han had brought her here the first time. That first time . . . Leia had been so taken aback by the notion of getting to see Han's "place". It had made her nervous because, somehow she'd known what it meant, that it had meant her and Han weren't just friends. Though the two were no more than friends, it didn't discomfort Leia anymore. She felt fine, almost welcome in a way. As for their relationship status, Leia had taken to explaining it as 'stuck at that awkward stage where you're no longer friends, but not a couple'. Lengthy, sure, but she had no better words for that was exactly what they were. This was only to be confirmed when Chewbacca came out of the crew quarters with welcoming arms and nearly strangled Leia in a huge hug while Han came out slowly, watching her with a nervous glance like he didn't know what to say now that she was here. But who was she kidding? Leia was sure she looked just as nervous and awkward to Sabé as Han did to her. Feeling the same, Leia dismissed her observation and looked upon Han as an equal in all ways in this moment.

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