Chapter 7 : A Womans Worth.

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(Dayla's P.O.V; 3 months later)

Everything was going really great down here in Tree Hill. I've made so many good friends. I just made the volleyball team, my first game is tomarrow night. Haley and I are really close, we're like sisters. Nathan and Mouth are like brothers to me, Skills is already my brother. Brooke has become my bestfriend. Peyton and I dont speak much, we're cordial towards each other.

I was walking to my next class and someone grabbed ahold of my hand.

I looked up and saw Lucas giving me a crooked smile.

"How's my favorite girlfriend?" He asked.

"Favorite ? I better be the only." I laughed.

"Trust me Dayla, your more than enough woman for me." He groaned.

"Lucas Scott, are you trying to seduce me before sending me off to class?" I asked seductively.

"Maybe." He bit his bottom lip.

"Bye baby." I smiled kissing his lips and walking into my 7th period.

I spotted Haley and I saw her carrying her books.

"Woah, dont be putting stress on my niece or nephew in there." I smiled rubbing her little baby bump.

"You sound like your brother." She laughed.

"Im serious Hales, be careful. You know Im here." I smiled.


It was the last class of the day, gym,  and I had one face to look forward to, Peyton Sawyer.

"Walk laps around the gym until five minutes before the bell." The gym teacher blew his whistle.

I began walking alone, clearing my mind. When I saw a slim blonde figure jog towards me.

"Hi Dayla." Peyton smiled.

"Peyton." I nodded.

"I wanna talk to you .... about Lucas and I." She said.

"I'm listening." I said.

"Okay, look its going to be hard for me to let go of him. He was my first love and I-" She started.

"Is there a point to this Peyton?" I asked.

" I just want you to know its going to take time for me to get over him, but I would like to be friends with you and not let that determine how we interact." She said.

"Wait a minute, let me get this straight." I said.

"You're basically saying, I may still flirt with him but I want you to know its not intentional Im just trying to get over my ex first love, I would still love us to be buddies though?" I said, getting ticked off.

"No, I'm just trying to get over someone I still love. Its hard , havent you ever been the ex whose still in love with his first love ?"

"Are you kidding me Peyton ? I've been nothing but nice to you and now your directly telling me your not over him so excuse you if it seems as though you still love him? " I said.

"Dayla, Im not trying to ruin what you and Lucas have I just-" She said.

"Save it Peyton, you and I both know you still love him.  Now Im not going to stop you from being friends with Luke but please stop with the innocent act. Your not fooling anyone." I said.


A/N : Feedback ? (:

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