Chapter 6 : Doesn't Mean Anything.

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(1 Week Later : Lucas'  P.O.V)

Nathan and Haley took their car and agreed to pick up Brooke and Peyton. It was the first day of school , I picked up Mouth and I was on my way to pick up Skills and Dayla.

I honked when I approached their house and Skills walked out first. It was the first day of school so he had on jeans instead of sweats and a button up instead of a t shirt.

"Nice dude." I bumped his fist as he got in the backseat.

"What's up Mouth !" Skills said.

"Dayla will be out in a second." He added.

"Whose Dayla ?" Mouth asked.

"You'll see." I smiled.

"My baby sister." Skills said.

After he said that it was like I was seeing her for the first time all over again. Her long, curly, black hair was now even longer and straightened. It was pulled back on one side with a white bow. She was wearing white skinny jeans that fit her just right and a black V-neck followed by black chucks.

She smiled as she adjusted her bookbag and walking towards the car. I got out and walked over to the passanger side.

"How's my girl ?" I asked.

"Good, how's my boy?" She smiled.

"Better now that your here." I kissed her and opened her door. Shutting it after she got in.

"Dayla this is Marvin McFadden, we call him mouth."

"Hi mouth, its nice to meet you." She grinned.


(Dayla's P.O.V)

"You already know Nathan, Haley and Mouth who wont stop drooling !" Skills elbowed him.

"This is Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer." He added.

"You are absolutely gorgeous." Brooke hugged me.

"Its nice to meet you Dayla." Peyton smiled, shaking my hand.

"Both the exes of Luke." Skills said.

"Way to make it awkward huh?" Peyton said.

"I dont mind, he has very nice taste." I smiled.

"Okay thank God because both of us are over him and you dont have to worry about us. I dont want to be one of those kind of girls that let past relationships get in the way of future friendships, I promise." Brooke smiled.

 "Right Peyton ?" Brooke added.

"Yeah, what B Davis said." She managed to smile.

I trust that Brooke is over him, I'm not to sure about Peyton.

"So what do you guys have for first period ?" I asked.

"I have government." Brooke said.

"I have study hall." Peyton said.

"Me too." I spat out.


A/N : Feedback ? 

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