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I jolted up in my sleep, sweating and breathing heavily, 'What was that? What did I see?' I tried to think of what I just saw and nothing coming to my head was making sense. I wiped some sweat off of my face only to realize that it was actually tears.

Mom came running into my room and sat down on my bedside. "Nashi sweetie are you okay?" She looked at me, concerned. "I heard you all the way in my room." She rubbed my back. I tried to talk to her about the dream I just had, but no words about of it would come out, besides would she even believe me?

I chose each word carefully in my head, so I could say something to calm her down without making her worry about me, "Yeah, mom it's just a bad dream I'm sure." She stared at me for a few seconds before smiling. 'Was it really, though?' She kissed me on the top of my head and give me small smile.

As she got up off of the bed, she study me carefully for some reason, "Get a good night's sleep sweetie. You have a big day tomorrow." She smiled to cheerfully for being, so late at night. She give me one last kiss on the head before leaving my room.

I laid on my back and looked up at the roof. I sigh and sat up and throwing my legs off the edge of the bed. 'Maybe I could get some fresh air.' I looked at the clock on my wall above my door and saw that it's 3:37 am. I went to my window and opened it, sat on the edge of it and threw my legs out. I stood up and climbed up to the roof. It was a cool night; not too hot and with the perfect breeze blowing my pink hair into a spiral mess. 'Please, whatever I saw, please don't be true.'


I went back to bed after I climbed down from the roof around 6'o clock. I went to the kitchen and found my mother cooking breakfast for the two of us. "Good morning, Mom." I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. I look at the stove and she is making eggs and bacon, making stomach growl from hunger.

She looked up at me with the biggest smile I've seen on her face in weeks, "Morning Nashi." She says and kissed my cheek back. "Do you want waffles too?" She said making me nod my head happily, "Well you'll have to make them." She said with a stupid little grin on her face.

I groan loudly walking over to the pantry, getting the waffle mix. "I hate making waffles." Waffles are a huge mess, but it's totally worth it whenever, you get to eat them. She giggles at my reaction to having to make the waffles.

Mom helps me get some of the ingredients out, "I was going to make them, but it kinda of slipped my mind." Mom was way to excited for her own good, but I kinda of liked seeing her like this.

"Yeah I know mom, I miss dad too." I say with a big smile. Dad left on a trip with Gray to train two of his kids and gray also took his older son to help train them, they've been gone for about two weeks, so it just been me and my mom, but now they are finally coming back home today!

"He better not come home with a broken arm like last time." Mom said angrily, with a little bit of an eye twitch, which kinda scared me.

My stomach starts to growl even louder as I start to smell the bacon, "Mom on second thought, I decided I don't want waffles. I just want to eat now." I say patting my stomach as it growls one last time.

Mom sighs, "Fine that's your lost." She a grabs to plates from one of the cabinets and hands me one. "He should be here in a few hours, so eat all you can before your father get's here." She says very cheerfully putting some eggs, and bacon on her plate.

"Thanks, mom," I said and started to put away some of the food on my plate, and start eating one of the best meals I've had in what feel like weeks.


A few hours later..


Mom and I started walking are down to the train station, so that we can wait on Dad there. As we walk into the train station we see a familiar blue-haired girl. "Juvia!" Mom calls. She looks back at us and smiles and started walking towards us. "How are you doing?" Mom hugs her and she hugs back.

"Juvia's doing great and you too?" She asks back. Juvia and gray moved away when I was much younger, but they decided to move back, when Gray comes back, Juvia has been back in forth the past couple of weeks moving some stuff's like clothes and decoration to the new house, and mom has been itching to go talk to Juiva, but she didn't want to disturb her.

"Juvia is great, Juvia is just ready for Gray and our precious babies to safe at home." She said, her voice sounded even happier then mom's which I thought was impossible at this point.

My mom says and puts her arm on my shoulder. "I understand, I've been worried sick at Natsu since the second he left on the train, without both Happy or I." Mom and Juvia laugh, but I didn't see what was so funny, about what they were talking about.

"We really need to get together more often It's been been too long since I last saw you." Mom stated as we started to walk into the train station, "how old are your kids again? I'm sorry, it has just been a while since we last saw each other." She said with a light hint of blush obviously embarrassed, as we made are way into the train station.

"It hasn't been that long, Mom.." I muttered.

Juvia waves her hand in front of her face like it wasn't that big of a deal. "It's no problem. Sylvia and Rin just turned sixteen last month and my oldest Strom is twenty." My eyes widen in pure shock, '20-years-old!' I look up at Juvia about to say something but decided to say nothing.

Mom snickering at something that she was thinking about. "I don't know you can handle a twenty year now. Nashi's seventeen and I can barely handle her most of the time." Mom says making me glare at her.

"One: I'm not that bad, and two: I'm almost 18." I protest making them laugh. I do everything she tells me to do without her having to say it twice, most of the time at least.

"Has it really been ten years?" Juvia asks, bring the mood down a little, but mom quickly try's to the mood happier.

"I guess it has been that long." Mom says looking at the ground. "Levy and Gajeel and Erza are still here and I'm sure they will be happy to see you guys!" She adds happily, as she takes her hand off of my shoulder. "Your father should be here any minute now-." Mom was cut off when someone put their arms around her. Before she even looked back to see who it was she did what she would call a 'Lucy Kick'. Whoever hugged mom from behind was kicked a few feet away from us.

"Luce, that hurts," Dad says as he holds his face from where mom kicked him. Mom put her on arms on her chest and pouts.

"Well, that wants you to get for scaring me." Mom goes over to and helps him up, "but I'm sorry." She kisses the side of his face where she kicked him. She was probably feeling guilty when she realized who it was.

Juvia left my side and went running to her family. "Gray, darling, welcome back!" She went to hug him and the twin But, where is Storm? Shouldn't he be here too? I look around but I didn't see him, making me sigh lightly. It's not like I wanted to see him anyways.

"Looking for someone?" Someone whispered in my ear. Making me turn around quickly. I see a tall man towering over me, he couldn't have been much older then me. He had black spiky hair and a cross earring in his right ear only.

"Um...hi?" I give the man a questioning looked. There was something going off in my mind saying that I knew him, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

One of his eyebrows raises."Do you really not remember me?" He acted as if I should know him, but I couldn't remember him, no matter how many times I thought about it.

"I'm sorry, but no." Out of the corner of my eye I see Juvia and Gray along with my parents walk over towards us.

"Oh, Nashi I see you found Storm," Gray says taking me back a little. 'S-S-Storm!'


Author note

I unpublished this book about a year ago, due to me not thinking it was any good. So, for the past year I've editing and changing some of the many mistakes I have made when writing. They're still many mistakes that I have to fix, but that will come later on.



Edited: 06/26/17

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