Chapter Two!

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"All I'm saying is that it would have been an easier trip if you weren't trying to convince a fourteen year old girl that One Direction is real." Dani scolded. I frowned.


"You said, and I quote, 'HARRY IS A SEX GOD AND YOU SHOULD BE LUCKY IF YOU EVEN GET TO SEE HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE IN PERSON YOU EVIL PEASENT!' Was that really necessary?" She asked. I gave her a blank expression.

"Duh, Dani." I replied. She rolled her eyes as she grabbed her luggage. I hiked mine over my shoulder and grabbed my second one along with Dani.

"Okay so what do we do?" She asked.

"Well, I have a convincing Irish accent, seeing as I am Irish. So we just say, 'hey do you know Niall Horan? I'm his cousin, and I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction." I announced.

"There's only One Direction." Dani said sadly. I hugged her, and rubbed her back.

"We can do this Danielle. I know we can." I said. She nodded and we walked out of the airport. We took a car to Mullingar and got out.

"Now to find Nialler." I said quietly. We saw someone and I walked over to them.

"Excuse me. Do you know a Niall Horan?" I asked in my best attempt at an Irish accent.

"I'm his brother, who are you?" He asked. My eyes widened. This was Greg. I had to try and not fangirl.

"Oh Greg! Shame on you! You don't even recognize your own cousin!" I cried in fake hurt. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Uh.. Of course I do!" He said nervously. If this wasn't so crucial I would have had so much fun with this.

"Jade! We have to go." Dani said.

"Wait Dani! This is Greg!" I said. Her eyes widened and she smiled wearily at him.

"Well, let's get you girls home. Niall will be so excited to see you!" Greg said. He lead the way after taking one of each of our bags. I had to cover my mouth and look away. This was hilarious.

"Stop it!" Dani scolded, trying to hide laughter of her own.

"Okay. Okay. I'm good." I said and cleared my throat. We finally got to their house and I almost had a meltdown. This was Niall Horan's home. We walked inside and I almost couldn't breathe.

"NIALL! GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE AND COME SEE OUR COUSIN!" Greg called. There was a bunch of stomping and then Niall popped into the room.

"Uhm, hello.." He said quietly. I had to keep my cool.

"This is Jade! Remember?" Greg said. He needed to stop or I'd pee my pants.

"Yeah... Hi." He said. He was going to kill me.

"Well give me a hug! I haven't seen you in forever!" I called. He smiled shyly and gave me a hug. I died then and there. My heart couldn't handle it.

"Uhm, Jade. Awkward!" Dani said.

"Whoops! Sorry Nialler." I said. My cheeks flushed red and he smiled and looked away. So he really was this shy in person?

"Hello, I'm Jade's roommate Dani. Nice to meet you!" she smiled. Niall pulled her in for a hug. How could she be this cool?!

Dani's POV~

I honestly don't know how I'm not fangirling right now. I AM IN NIALL FREAKING HORAN'S HOUSE! Okay, okay, deep breaths. We pulled away.

"Nice to meet you Dani." Niall said. Oh my god I'm talking to him in person! Oh no... how am I gonna react when we meet Harry?! 'Focus Dani!' I scolded myself. Damn, there's a lot of scolding today...

"Nice to meet you too Niall!" I replied.

"Well, I'm just gonna be in my room." Greg said, walking to the stairs.

"Bye Greg!" Jade and I chorused. I could tell by her voice I was keeping my cool much better than her. Niall led us over to the living room and we sat on the couch on either side of him.

"So what brings you guys here?" he asked.

"Shall I explain Jade?" she simply nodded.

"Well we have been selected by someone to find great male singers from England and Ireland, and your cousin Jade here tells me you're quite the singer." I explained. Niall blushed and looked over at Jade.

"Really?" he asked. I could tell by the look in her face that she died (even more) on the inside. She nodded.

"So Niall, would you care to join us on this adventure? You and your future band mates have the potential to be the best boy band in the world!" I exclaimed, making huge hand gestures as I spoke. Wow, I'm really selling this aren't I? I could tell Jade was impressed. Niall thought it over.

"Sure, I'd love to join you." He answered.

Jade's POV~


"Uhm Jade?" Niall asked. I sighed happily.

"Yes Nialler?" I asked.

"You're kind of in my lap..." He said. My eyes widened. I jumped back. I felt so embarrassed.

"Sorry Niall." I said. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"What happened to your accent?" He asked.

"Nothing!" I yelped. Oh no I blew it!

"You're not my cousin are you?" He asked. Dani's eyes widened.

"Of course I am!" I cried.

"THAT WASN'T EVEN AN IRISH ACCENT!" He yelled jumping back.

"Who are you?!" He boomed. Oh no.

"Niall please. This is serious. We aren't trying to stalk you. Just please hear us out. It's really important." I begged. He looked between the two of us, and stood far away from us.

"You have three minutes." He rasped out.

"You're in a band named One Direction. With four other boys named Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. You came in third on the X Factor." I said.

"No. We were never put into a band. We were sent home." He said.

"No Niall. Look." Dani said. She turned her phone on and pulled up a picture of the five of them.

"This never happened! You guys are freaks!" He yelled again.

"NIALL STOP!" I cried. I turned on Nobody Compares, just so Niall could hear his own voice in a song.

"T-that's me." He said. I nodded.

"You're in this band. We don't know what changed from one night to the next but this is your band." I insisted. Dani nodded.

"We need you to come with us and help us put this band back together Niall. This is your life. And your four best friends." Dani said. He looked between us and was still unsure.

"Niall, please." I begged.

"If you're lying to me, if this is some sick joke, you'll be in big trouble. I mean it." He hissed. We nodded.

"What exactly are we going to do?" He asked.

"Well, we need to find the rest of your band mates now." Dani said.

"How are we doing for money?" I asked.

"Uhm, we have $12,250 dollars left." Dani said. I huffed.

"Well Nialler, pack your bags. We're headed to Cheshire." I said. Dani's face lit up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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