First night over

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Its Friday night, 9:30 PM, its rainy and cold out side, i'm in the shower, watching the worm water run down my abs, while think about how am i going approach and talk to her, suddenly, i herd my door bell ringing, i know i cant stay too long in the bathroom, cause i don't want to keep who ever is out there waiting in the rain too long, and plus it was 22-DEGREES out there, so i hurried as fast as i can. I hurried and rapped my towel a round my waste, hurried to the door quickly as i could, not knowing that, the more i run, is more loose my towel gets on me.

As i opened the door, there she was staring at my body, i said hi, on reply, she was there, standing and staring at my body, i looked at her and smiled, i asked her, are you going, to come in, oh yes, yes, i'm sorry, i smiled and replied, no, its ok, after she came in, looking around, i closed the door, turned around with a sudden spin, excited and glad that she actually showed up, she turned around was about to say something to me, but she stopped and, posed, and stood there staring at me, she was staring at me with that sparkling wow look in her eyes, biting her finger nails, i'm there wondering is she that shy, she don't even  know what to say to me when she want to talk to me, not knowing my towel fell off me. I was standing there confused, not know if i should be embarrassed or happy that the towel fell off me, but the look that she had in her eyes, i said to my self, yep, i happy it did.

She stood there for a minute, blushing, biting her finger nails, but suddenly, we made eye contact, i felt like a electricity ran rough my body, its like, its a movie or something, i truly never felt a shock like this never before, its as if, it wasn't real, suddenly, i found my self walking towards her. Slowly used my right arm, slowly lifting her chin up, slowly tilted my head to the left, while slowly approaching her with a kiss. As i kissed her, i could just relax and feel the quality of her soft peach colored lip, with her tongue feeling like silk, brushing against mines.

I lift you up, while kissing you, you rapped your legs around me, there and then i had an erection, my penis was pushing against you clit  between your legs through your black tights. When you rapped your legs around me while we were there making out, i was slowly walking towards my room, with her legs still rapped around me, kissing and making out. I Slowly entered the room, the room was dark, and dimmed red light, soft love making sex music " Trey Songz - Sex Room". I lay you on my bed, slowly kissing the back of your up back part of your neck, then slowly kiss your soft tender lips. Slowly take you top off, then slowly take your tights off. went up back to you and started to kiss you again, slowly take you brow and your panties off.

There kissing your neck, using my tongue, slowly tracing down between your breast. I use my tongue and trace around your nipples in circle, slowly, softly and gently, making your nipples hard as a rock, while i have two fingers going tracing and going in circles on your clit.

It felt so good, you are there just holding and squeezing the sheets on the bed, biting your lips, the tense feeling that you are feeling, it feels so good, you can hardly breath, there with with a arched back, with your mouth open, cause it feels so good, its a bit impossible to breath, because of when i am kissing on your breast and using my fingers to play with your clit.

Started kissing my way down to your v-line and, kissing  and sucking back up to your breast & nipples, the sensation and,the tense feeling that you get, instead of getting butterflies in your stomach, you get it in you vagina, its like you wanna pee, but we both know its not pee, its just you ORGANISM, eager to explode and rain, feel so fucking good, you couldn't hold it back any more. There and then, your ORGANISM did explode, when it did, its felt like you were hold pee inside you for over a year, it felt so good, you couldn't help but to start rubbing your clit a bit hard, so there forth i help you with that, and i putted two fingers inside of your vagina, and started pushing it back and forth with bit amount of pressure and speed, 45-seconds to be exact.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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