Second chance.

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Ew. Summer school. It just started and I had a full 3 classes which were roughly 1:40 minutes long. I had back-to-back English for the first to with a P.E. For last hour. I somehow made it through the first two hours of the day and I had to go to P.E. Next. Seemed boring as always and had to sign multiple sheets of paper and wavers, blah blah blah...

Another day last. Nothing special just more paperwork and English homework.

The next day. Finally doing something in P.E. Starting off with a volleyball unit, me being the worst possible at volleyball and being out-of-shape doesn't make it any better, I had no partner so I just threw the ball up in the air and tried to keep hitting it. We did that for a few minutes then the teacher asked us to group up and pass the ball between Multiple people. I had no group so I decided to join yours. We were just casually passing the ball by bumping and setting the ball, then the ball went to low (or too high I'm not sure) and I went to go hit it. I managed to miss and land on your leg. You looked familiar and you obviously realized it too because you asked if I was the guy from the national guard thing back last year. So I said yes and we talked for abit. And I found out your name is Shania Mueller.

I was falling in love with you little by little.

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