Rose Day

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Yosh! I shall write more Midotaka (even though I suck at it.....I can only hope I get better).
Day 1: Rose Day (7th February)
"Shin-chaaaaan!" Takao whined for what was probably the hundredth time. It was with good reason, the whining that is. A perfectly good Sunday, the possibilities had been endless until Ace-sama here had called and demanded Takao to accompany him to a theme park.
Now you might be thinking: But Takao, you like Midorima..... like like. So shouldn't you be happy? Isn't this kinda sorta like a date?
The answer: Takao was very happy when he heard his Shin-chan inviting him to a theme park. On Rose Day! The first day of Valentine's week! This had to mean something!
And this happiness lasted for exactly 36 minutes and 12 seconds at which point the cheerful bunny lady announcing the day's horoscopes chirped that today Cancer's lucky item was...........
"a theme park! Cancers are in third place today so be sure to enjoy yourself today! And now in second place..."
The rest fell on deaf ears as Takao swore he could here the sound of his sweet little dream castle crumble into a rubble of disappointment.
What was supposed to be a matter of maybe half an hour had stretched the whole day. A rather weird day, in Takao's opinion, like weirder than Midorima carrying around a pink toy piano ( he still had a good laugh remembering that day).
Midorima didn't really seem interested in any of the rides or stalls. Takao was about to ask what exactly had he done to have his Sunday ruined when Midorima suddenly went towards the crane games insisting, "My sister wanted a Pikachu plushie nodayo"
Then Midorima, who was pretty good at crane games, ended up 'accidentally' getting the wrong plushie.
"Shin-chan that's not a Pikachu", Takao said pointing to an adorable hawk plushie nestled alongside a Pikachu in the Miracle giant's palm.
"I know. I made a mistake while manipulating the crane" Then after a short pause, "You can have it 'nodayo" he said shoving the unwanted plushie in his arms.
Takao looked down at the big eyes and cute fluffy wings. But why did Shin-chan give it to him?Wouldn't Midorima's little sister have better use for it?
"Why are you-" then another thought had struck him like a flying pineapple "Shin-chan?"
"Aren't the Pokemon plushies and animal plushies in different machines?" the hawk eyed boy asked slowly.
"!!" He recovered quickly though ,"I don't know what you're talking about Takao" Midorima replied with his usual stoic tone and dragged Takao away before he could go back to confirm his theory.
After that they had lunch at Maji burger chatting as usual. Well, it was mostly Takao talking while Midorima interjected occasionally to give his opinion. They were about to leave when Midorima insisted on paying for the whole meal. Takao got puzzled but allowed him to do so.
On the way back Takao stopped at one of the signals and turned around to face the megane for the usual round of Janken only to find him no where in the cart....
"Shin-chan, where-" he began but spotted the boy walking towards a florist's shop.
By the time he had pulled the rear car and bike aside and started walking towards the shop, Midorima had already stepped out holding a bouquet of assorted flowers.
"Shin-chan what-" Takao's voice came out a tad squeaky . He slapped himself mentally. It isn't as though it is for me. Get a grip Kazunari.
The ride back home was uneventful. Takao was still internally debating whether or not to ask whom the flowers were for..........when they reached the Midorima residence , Takao couldn't hold it in and asked anyways.
"My mother had placed an order at the shop. She is going to visit a family friend at a hospital" Midorima explained calmly.
Indeed, the bouquet had a 'Get well soon' note attached to it .
A rather disappointed "Oh" escaped Takao's lips. As a quick attempt to disguise this slip, he averted his attention to the bouquet and frowned when he noticed a single red rose sticking out of it;rather out of place amongst the other flowers' arrangement.
"Tch," Takao looked up to see Midorima frowning as he too had noticed the odd flower, "incompetent fools" he muttered. He was about to get on the rear car again when Takao stopped him , "Where are you going?! It's so late!"
"To complain, of course."
Takao sighed,"You could just remove that one rose Shin-chan. You can be such an idiot sometimes."
Midorima wordlessly removed that one bright red rose and handed it to Takao. Perhaps it was the sudden nature of the action, but Takao received it just as wordlessly and before he could realise exactly what had just happened, Midorima had already gone inside his house with a quick "See you tomorrow"
And Takao pedaled back as quick as possible, his face as red as the rose tucked safely inside his jacket........

A/N: Well? What do you think? Lemme know! 😊

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