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( Harry's POV)

Louis pulls my shirt up revealing my round stomach.He kisses it lovingly.

'Come on baby come out quickly now, Papa can't wait' Louis whispers and the baby kicks in response.

I wince and giggle at the same time.Talking to my belly is something that Louis does everytime when I get pregnant.He used to do it when I was pregnant with Niall and Zayn and now again.We don't know what's the gender of the baby like everytime Louis wants it a surprise.

Suddenly the door of our room open and Zayn walks in holding his stuffed bunny,Fluffy.

'What is it baby?'Louis questions politely while i roll my shirt back down.

Zayn crawls into the bed settling between me and Lou.

'Can't sleep,monsters in the closet'Zayn whispers yawning.

I look at Louis and smile.Louis smiles back.

"Didn't they run away after Papa scared them'I ask

'NOOO,they keep coming back'Zayn whines.'Can I sleep with you?pleaaaase.'

This has been Zayn's general routine 'he thinks there are monsters in his closet and every night Louis pretends to scare them away but Zayn crawls in our bed claiming the monsters are back.

I put my hand on Zayn's forehead and frown.

'Louis,he's burning up'I say worriedly.

i remove my hand and Louis puts his hand on Zayn's forehead.

'Zayn,baby don't you feel sick?Louis questions

Zayn shrugs his shoulders.Mostly when Zayn's sick he gets very whiny and moody.

 Louis picks Zayn up.I know he is taking him to give him a bath to control the fever.Zayn just simply puts his head on Louis' shoulder.Louis takes Zayn to the bathroom and I follow behind.Louis takes Zayn's clothes off while I fill the bathtub.Louis puts Zayn in the bathtub but something gets my attention.There is something like a bruise on Zayn's shoulder.I rub it lightly.

'Zayn does it hurt?'I question rubbing it again.

Zayn shrugs his shoulders tiredly and Louis gives me a confused look

Louis takes Zayn out of thebathtub and puts his clothes back on taking him to bed and tucking him in.

Hopefully he would be better by tomorrow.


I was wrong,so wrong Zayn actually got worse.His fever kept rising back,he refuses to eat anything,he is more tired than usual,he keeps throwing up and there are now six bruises or rashes on his body.Lou and I hve been worried sick.

Zayn is again tucked up in our bed not beacause of the monsters but because he is feeling very sick.

'I think its better if we take him to the doctor tomorrow'Louis states.

Zayn's eyes widen.'No Papa Zaynie is fine,Zaynie doesn't need a doctor'Zayn shrieks freaking out.

I smile a little.Zayn hates doctors and hospitals.Its like he is allergic to them.

Louis puts his finger on Zayn's lips.'Shhhhhh.go to sleep'we'll talk tomorrow'.Louis turns around turning the lamp off.Zayn snuggles into me and nyzzles his head into my chest while I wrap a hand around his waist.

'Daddy'he whispers


'I don't wanna go to the doctor'

I smile and kiss the top of his head.

'Go to sleep sweetheart' I whisper back.

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