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Harry Styles placed his face in his hands as a  tear rolled down his cheek,he was losing patience with every second that passed.He was frustrated and worried for his four year old who the doctors had taken away from him an hour ago.All of a sudden, in the middle of the night Zayn had started with a coughing fit but soon Harry had realised there was some red liquid dripping from Zayn's mouth;BLOOD. He had freaked out while Louis tried to stay calm rushing Zayn to the hospital.They had been sitting in the hospital  waiting area for almost an hour completely unaware of what was going on with their son.Harry removed his hands from his face looking at Niall who was sleeping beside him on the chair in an uncomfortable position after getting exhausted from crying for nearly half an hour for his baby brother.

'What the hell is taking so long?'Louis questioned mostly to himself sitting beside his husband.

As soon as Louis said that the door opened,a tall,slightly chubby Doctor walked out of the room.

'Zayn Stylinson'She announced.

'Yes he is our son'Louis said rushing towards the doctor.

'Mr and Mr Stylinson,I am afraid I have some bad news for you'

'And what is that?'Harry barely whispered.

'Your son has








Harry's breath hitched

'Leukemia' Louis croaked out.

'Yes leukemia,it is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells'The doctor replied.

Harry couldn't believe it.His four year old baby who crawled into hos Daddies bed every night because he thought there were monsters in his room who were too stubborn to leave eventhough his Papa scared them away everynight,who argues with his nine year old brother everday that spiderman was better than superman,who likes to draw and colour rather than playing footie or anything else like all the other kids,who was so scared of doctors and hospitals that he would do anything to not to go to a doctor.This was not possible,his baby was just four,he can't have leukemia.

Hey sweethearts i updated,the chapter is shorter but thats all i could post,but hey i managed eventhough my little cousins are jumping on my legs telling me to play with them.

By the way Happy Eid...............

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