Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Alex”, I whisper yelled.

“You scared the hell out of me”, I said in a serious tone.

He gave me a ‘what are you doing look’.

I ignored his look and tried to play it innocent. “What?”, was my innocent reply.

“What are you doing here?” he asked annoyed.

“I could ask you the same”, I smirked.

“Alexis, I really don’t have time for this how about we make a deal?”

“What kind of deal” I asked.

“Well first tell me where you’re going” he asked quickly.

“I’m going to Mike’s party” I answered in the exact same speed as he did.

He grinned and said “this will be easier than I thought it would be, thanks to my brilliant brain making awesome plans.” He looked at the confusion on my face and instead of explaining he whispered “follow me to my car”.

I opened my mouth to protest but then quickly shut it because I knew there was no use. So, instead I nodded my head to nobody really because Alex had already left to go in the garage to get his car. As I opened the door, the cool falls air whipped on my face, I shivered, it was chilly. Before closing the door I grabbed a blue hoddie. I closed the door gently and right as I was about to close it shut-“honk, honk” a small cry escaped my lips and the door slammed shut. For a few seconds I just stood there than I finally realized that it was Alex’s car that has honked. I marched straight up to the car I gently tapped the window and it opened smoothly.

There was an annoyed look on my twin brother’s face. I matched it, by making the same face as his. He got more pissed. I grinned absolutely satisfied.

“Get in the car” he growled.

Once again, with absolutely no protests I got into the car, and sat down quietly. A few minutes later I put my seat belt on. This was odd, because I never usually did that. Well I guess if you’re in a car with Mr. Grump you’d have nothing better to do. Finally I couldn’t stand the silence anymore and from what I know I could tell that Alex couldn’t either.

“So, since we’re in the car can u please tell me what ‘your plan’ exactly is?” as I said 'your plan' I made quotion marks.

He gave me a flat ook but then started by saying: “Well I thought that we’re going to the same party-

This time I didn’t care about my protesting problom so I said “what we are going to the same party-

But, before I could say anything else he barked out “shush you never let me finish what I’m trying to say. So what if we both are going to the same party just pretend we don’t know each other.

“Don’t know each other I repeated.” My eyebrows furrowed “Umm if you don’t remember we are twins, identical twins”. I gave him a look.

“Well whatever just ignore that part. And if we see each other just make some kind of excuse to leave wherever. He said as he parked behind all the thousands of cars parked in a line. Well not thousands but you know what I mean.

We both got out of the car. Then I remembered something really important. “Wait”, he turned around and looked at me “What now?” he questioned.

“Well, the main reason I am going to Mike’s party is because Sammy (a/n- Sammy=short for Samantha) called me and she meant to call for me to pick her up because she wanted me to pick her up because she’s too drunk to drive herself” I blurted out and took a deep breath at the end.

“Whatever” he shrugged.

“Okay than I will see you …”

“Tomorrow” he finished for me.

But before I could answer he had left so I just shrugged to no one in particular.

As I made my way to the party, I passed by all the ‘thousand’ of cars and it wasn’t long before I could hear the loud booming music. When I mean loud I really mean it.

I was about to ring the doorbell but, I just opened the door and walked in there were hormonal teenagers everywhere. Grinding on each other and dancing.

I walked in, and smirked as some guys were staring at me. Some were checking me out and others following. I smirked.


Here’s chapter 2! :D

Hope you all liked it.

I would appreciate it if I got more votes and comments, but the main thing I want rite now is feedback.

It would also help if those of you who want to help think of another name for this book.

I also want to change my cover for this book. I would really appreciate it if you could make a cover for my book! But its only if YOU want to.

I am most likely to upload on Sundays.




-Lucy <3

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