Chapter 1 Just Take a Chance

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(Y/N) Your Name (B/F) Best Friend's Name (YT/N) YouTube Name

You grunted as you hit the hard ground and a suitcase fell on top of you. Your sister Ebony (I'm sorry if you wanted a different name in order for my sister to help me I had to give her this one request) was thrown down next to you her suitcase missing her back and slamming into her head "AND STAY OUT!" your father yelled and your mother laughed. Ever since your grandparents died your parents had become alcoholics but they didn't usually bother you two until today when they threw you out literally.

You groaned and helped your sister to her feet "Thanks" she smiled at you and picked up her suitcase and backpack. You picked up your stuff and she grabbed your hand "Remember?" you nodded "Through thick and thin we will be together for whatever comes our way" both of you walked down the sidewalk it was raining heavily but neither of you cared. "Are any of our friends nearby?" Ebony asked and you shook your head "(BF/N) is away on her job to Africa and won't be back for a year or so you know her job consists of a lot of traveling" you both sighed "(Y/N)... Where are we going to go? None of our family lives near here and we don't have enough to survive and have a place. YouTube gets us money but I don't know if it will be enough..." You shrugged "I'll put up ads to see if a kind soul will take us in." Ebony's eyes widened "But what if they turn out to be a murderer?!?" you thought about it. "We'll see the place first and if they try anything we can disarm them and take them down" she relaxed "Ok I guess we'll give it a shot" you nodded

"The diner should be around this corner" you muttered and it was. You both walked in "Eb get us some hot chocolate I'll start the video" she nodded and let go of your hand walking up to the counter. You sat in a booth and set up your laptop "Hello beautiful people! (YT/N) here and I'm sad to say Ebony and I were kicked out of our place of residence and would appreciate it if someone could suggest a place with low rent or be willing to share their lovely home with us. (YT/N) Out!" you finished and uploaded the raw video to tired to even care. Ebony sat across from you "Uploaded yet?" you nodded as YouTube finished uploading it within minutes you got a ton of messages and comments. One in particular caught your eye a message by someone with the YouTube name of Markiplier. (It tried to correct Markiplier to 'Oh noes' like what even laptop!) You clicked and opened up the message it seemed legit he even included his non business email you took a chance and sent him and email asking him for details. He immediately emailed you back with details on who he was and what he did you emailed him back asking for directions. After a few heartbeats you got an email back with directions. "Come on Eb we're going" your sister nodded and you took down the video before heading out with her. The rain had let up which was good for you two, Ebony took your hand and you two trudged down the LA sidewalk.

You reached the door double checking if it was indeed the right place and it was. Ebony glanced at you and you looked at her "Three" you began "Two" she continued "One" you both said and knocked at the same time.

Markiplier x Reader The Two New Roommates.Where stories live. Discover now