Chapter 3 Collab

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"(Y/N) come on! You're a YouTuber he's a YouTuber you two should totally collab!" you looked irritated at your sister it had been a few days since you two arrived. Mark kept to his recording room and bedroom and you (sometimes Eb too) kept to your room (Which also functioned as your recording room) "Eb just because we are both YouTubers doesn't mean we have to collab! He probably doesn't want to either!" you said your irritation clearly showing. "Well I'll go ask him then!" your face turned pale "Eb don't you dare" your sister just smiled and dashed out of the room. You didn't bother chasing her she was always the fastest out of the two of you. Instead you face planted into your pillow it was dusty and smelled of people you didn't know (Not to be creepy but I always smell people on pillows if they've been used by that person strong noses can be a pain.) you heard the door swing back open "Hah! He said he wouldn't mind!" your stomach fluttered and you blushed into the pillow. Since you were kinda living with a popular YouTuber you had checked out his channel and he was the funniest person ever! So just the idea that he would be interesting with collabing with you made your heart skip a beat and speed up at the same time. "You dead?" your sister poked you since you weren't moving "Did you faint from the thought?" she asked smirking. You peeked up from the pillow "Sh-sh-shut up" you stuttered out her smile widened and she leaned close to your ear "You like him don't you?" your face went from blush red to cloud white "No I don't!" you hissed back harshly throwing a pillow at her. Midair she caught it "I see that's a touchy subject" you groaned and face planted back into your pillow which wasn't a good idea as Ebony slammed the pillow you threw at her on top of your head. "Just collab with him already." "OK ONLY IF YOU'LL DROP IT" you yelled into the pillow "Fine" she said with a wide grin.

"What game do you want to play?" Mark asked and you just tapped your fingers together sitting in an extra chair he dragged in. "How about FNAF World?" (Yes I know it was taken off steam just pretend Mark got it before it did) you nodded you had heard good and bad things about the game but come on it was a FNAF game even if it was a RPG it was bound to be good by your standards. You sat there as he got everything set up for recording eventually after that he sat in his recording chair and turned on the face camera and the game camera "Hello everybody my name is Markiplier..."


"Ok everyone we've reached a new area! So I think I'll end it here and as always I will see you! In the next video Buh Bye!" you gave a peace sign as Mark ended the recording. You immediately got up intending to leave "You want to not be in my presence so badly?" Mark asked not even looking away from editing and you gulped. What does one do in a situation like this? Well you did the logical thing of course! You stepped away from the door and... curled fetal position in the corner the only logical thing to do! Mark looked at you very confused "Uh what are you doing" you panicked "Er still in the same room that counts right?" there was a moment of silence "You don't have to stay..." Mark said and you sat up still fetal position but you were now sitting fetal position staring at Mark. You didn't get out of the house much so you had no idea how normal people would react. You looked at your feet turning them almost 180' "You can do that too?" he asked and you looked up "I can also turn my feet like that freaks out my friends" you nodded people always freaked out when you turned your feet too. You sat there a bit more before getting up to go to your room "Eb where's my guitar?" you asked quietly "Closet" she said not looking up from her book and you grabbed it.

Author's Note

What song should be in the next part? Preferably a Romance song but I'll take what I can get.


1.) Romance preferably (To make awkward situations MWAHAHAHA)

2.) Has to have a guitar (Most do so it's not a problem)

3.) Preferably has lyrics (Helps with an awkward situation!)

4.) Keep it clean!

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