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I never wanted this. I never meant for this. I always thought I could keep it a secret. But in my heart I knew that was impossible. You always get found. Let me explain. I'm a Tainted, that's important but I'll explain about that later.

I was in school. Yeah I know, very original but this is true. I was sitting at my desk in the classroom. The teacher, Mrs Whitaker, was giving a detailed but rather boring lecture on the history of Astruledo. That's the name of the city by the way. I should have been paying attention but like every other seventeen year old in the room, I was fed up.

Occasionally, I would glance out of the window and dream of being free. Free from school. Free from rules and boundaries. Free from the Taint police. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I straightened and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at Mrs Whitaker and nothing seemed different. I relaxed a little but I couldn't shrug off the feeling something was wrong. My gut had never failed me before when I trusted it. I sank back in my seat when I heard a snigger from behind me. Before I could turn, something wet and cold ploughed into the side of my face. My head spun but yet again was greeted by another cold, wet surprise. A boy stumbled into view, clutching his sides and tears of laughter rolled down his cheeks. I could hear the rest of the class laughing at me. Rocky Mead, golden boy and teachers pet, had gone too far. He had picked on my ever since we were in the same class and now, enough was enough.

My fists clenched, every sound in the room began to fade. I gave a roar of anger and my vision flashed red. A cry of agony and screams erupted from the room. My vision returned and I could see Rocky at the other end of the room, rolling around on the floor. Normally, this wouldn't seem too bad but the worst part was he was on fire. My powers were out. I had lost control and now I was finished. The Taint police would be on their way any second now. I glanced at my hands, both of which were on fire. I willed the flames to extinguish as I rushed over to Rocky. All the rolling around was doing nothing and his face and body were badly burnt. I grabbed hold of him and commanded the flames to leave him. The fire danced up my arms before going out when they reached my shoulders. Rocky moaned but a least the flames had gone. His eyes flickered open and he wriggled out of my grasp. His face was contorted with agony but he wouldn't stop shuffling away from me. I understood and climbed to my feet. My eyes scanned the room; every face was streaked with terror. I knew I wouldn't be able to stay in school any more.

As I headed towards the door, I could hear thudding and shouting. My heart stopped. How were they here already? Sighs of relief could be heard from the class. The Taint police were here so they were safe. Two ideas popped into my head. I could take one of the kids' hostage and threaten to burn them or I could take my chances out of the window. Again, I glanced at the class and I instantly ruled out option one. These people had been my friends and I wouldn't harm them no matter what they did and anyway, there's always a chance the Taint police would shoot me anyway. I dashed to the window and flung it open. Two storeys. Could I survive that? Shakily, I hauled myself onto the window frame. There was no other option, I had to jump. So I did. I focused on the ground and willed the fire to cushion my landing. It did, sort of. I landed awkwardly but rolled to my feet. Something punched a hole in the ground were my head had been a few seconds ago. They were shooting at me! I waved my arm and a wall of fire shot up into the sky. I gave a sly grin and dashed towards the exit. A huge wave of water was flung upon my, dousing the flames. I dug my feet into the ground as my eyes focused on the squad of Taint police. One of them raised a gun and before I could move, something shot towards my chest. An orb was stuck to me. I swatted at it but it rolled over my shoulder towards my neck. I grabbed at it but it opened and small, barbed tentacles pierced the skin of my neck. I cried out but the strength left my legs. My body became limp and my eyes closed. My last thought was 'That's it. My life is over.'

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