One Night Stand.

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There and then I saw it. Colorful flashing lights everywhere, loudest boom box, music blasting so high. I had just passed my college final and got a scholarship to study at Stanford. This might be the last club I go to in Florida. So I am going to have fun. All my friends came with me, but we all know by the end of the night we will go our own separate ways if you know what I mean. Except for Ansel and Kate; they are inseparable. We all walked in hand in hand. Ugh the guard, the line is huge. Lol, Kate got it. Ansel hates it though, everytime we need something sexual or kinky done Kate does it he debates it but even he agrees she is the sexiest out of all of us. She hates it too, but a girl got to do what I girl got to do. She went to the guard and probably whispered dirty none sense into his ear and eventually she got him to let us in. The power of the pussy. Again Ansel became over protective and held her hand right on the body guards face. I swear this kid will get us kicked out. Oh well, we made it. We all went our separate ways. I went to to the bar tender and asked if he had the cotton candy martini as an option. He was obviously surprised by my taste and sadly said he had none. I took a budlight, drank it down and told him to have two shots ready by the time I came back, I gave him a ten dollar tip. When you tip them, they treat you so much better. I went dancing in the crowd in the middle. One of the best dancing songs was on Skrillex Scary monsters and nice spirites. As I swayed my hips an awfully handsome tall man. About 23 approached me. He grabbed my hips I brought me toward him. Oh no. Not that easy. I backed away and he grabbed my hands dancing forward to forward with me. He had brown hazel eyes, which seem to get lighter when certain light was on it. And long wavy hair. He had a cute smile as well. He seemed decently strong. I do not understand I was just extremely turned on. He grabbed my waist again and brought me toward him but this time face to face. He was enjoying it just as much as I was. I the turned around and continued to sway with the beat him right behind me. It was like our bodies blended into one. He brought feelings, I never even knew I had. I have had sex. It was okay I never actually came, but this guy brought sensations to a whole other level. Once the song changed we stopped dancing. He held my hand, wow romantic type. I walked him toward the bartender he saw me and imediately prepared the drinks.

"Well were you ready to meet me?" He had such a sexy voice and smirk.

"No, not quite. That is my usual." I turned toward the bartender.

"Double that please." He did as told. The rest of the night was pretty much the same, I danced with this stranger whom I soon found out his name was Damon. Sexy name too. We danced and I found out he was from California, and that he use to be a male model and was no yearning for an entrance to Stanford. I told him how I received a full scholarship and had no current job just parents willing to give me money and that I typically lived here but was soon moving to Cali and he was here apparently for his last photo shoot. It was now 1 in the morning and my friend had vanished. Even the car was gone. Guess I am walking I said good bye to Damon and walked away. Yah, I know I wanted to go to his place but he did not seem up for it, so I walked toward the street and watched him enter his car. As I walked I started thinking how I was going to be in Stanford, none of my friends were accepted, not even Taylor; so I know no one. This will be a catastrophe. Oh well, do not really need friend I am there to study right? A honk broke me from my thoughts. I looked over and saw Damon and his car.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He some what yelled so I could hear him. I did not feel like yelling so I walked up to his car.

"My ride left so I am walking home." I giggled as I said it.

"No, no come in I can drive you." He said sincerely.

"No! It is fine really I can walk. It is not very far." I responded.

"Then I can drive you, I insist."

"Okay fine." I smiled and entered. It smelled like lavender. Then I saw the freshener. No wonder. It was new too, so he expected to have someone in here. Oh my gosh! My phone! My parents must be about to kill me. I scrambled through my satchel anxiously. I found my phone. 2 missed calls from dad. 4 from mom. And a text from mom. I opened it and it said:

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