2: Best Friends For Never.

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 Chapter 2:  Best Friends For Never

 I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked closer. I heard that they were all bickering before four sets of eyes rested on me, and silence consumed them. 

 "Hi," I muttered, "Sorry I'm late." 

 "And you are?" One asked. His hair was black, longer and curly. He was dressed in a leather jacket, and his jeans were covered in grease. He looked vaguely familiar.

 "Mandi," I cleared my throat, "Mandi Heart." 

 He nodded and picked a fight with another girl. They bickered back and forth until I grew tired of it, "Stop it! Okay? Usually I'm the one instigating an argument. Stop bickering! We are five teenagers in an extraordinary situation and we need to work together, so for the love of God, stop!"

 "So you're the infamous Mandi." A girl with a thick french accent spoke. She had brown hair, just below the shoulders, and brown eyes. 

 "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" Acid hung from my words. 

 She snorted, "I just heard a lot about you." 

 "You know wha--!" 

 "Stop!" A gorgeous ebony coloured girl spoke, "Ilene, stop being so stuck up. Just because you live in some big mansion in far away France doesn't make you better than us!" 

 This girl, Ilene, rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Nina." 

 "I don't mean to offend you, Ilene, it's just we are all going through hell waiting for Rafe. And, besides, if we do this, we're going to have to get along." Nina smiled reasonably. 

 Ilene burst into continuous laughing. A blone, muscular stood up and walked over, "What's so funny?" 

 "I... just... find... it... so... funny... you... think... I'm... going... to... do... this!" She heaved between periods of laughter. 

 "W-what do you mean? You're doing this!" I launched myself at her, ready to tackle and force her to do this. Nina held me back, "Calm down, Mandi." 

 "No," The boy with the blonde hair spoke up, "Mandi is right. Ilene is stuck up and cares for no one but herself. It wouldn't hurt to do something for someone else. We all have to stick together to save Rafe." 

 I nodded, "I'm with him." 

 "I am too." Nina joined in. 

 We both looked over to the other brunette boy. He looked up from the ground, a cigarette dangling from his hand, "Sure. Whatever." 

 "Fine!" She cried, "But, I'm not happy with this." 

 "Suck it up princess," I growled and stalked over to the brunette boy, "What's your name?" 

 "Micah." He let a puff of smoke out while saying it. 

 I smiled slightly, "How'd you know Rafe?" 

 Another puff of smoke. "To be honest, I didn't," He leaned back onto his hands, "I've seen news reports about him but I didn't know him..."

 My smile disappeared into a confused grimace, "Then... why are you here?" 

 He let out a humourless laugh, "Beats me. I got one of those dandy letters though." He pulled it out and fanned himself with it. 

 I glanced at everyone else, "What about you all?" They glanced at me, "Why are you guys here?"

 Chance cleared his throat, "Rafe was on the football team for this town and we became good friends." 

 "He and his family vacationed at my house with my family in France every March break." Her top lip curled in disgust as she gave me the cold shoulder. 

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