Chapter 9

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hey everybody before this story start I went to give a big shout out to... 



you guys deserved this. now on to the story  

it been 2 days since David told me that he love me it make me smiled when I think about it. I am at school at my locker getting my stuff then Beca came up to me

Beca: hey you are coming to Birthday dinner in4 weeks right?

she ask I look at her

Phoebe: who birthday?

I ask

Beca: you don't know it's David birthday

she said WHAT! I did not know it was David birthday soon

Beca: he didn't tell you?

she ask I shake my head

Beca: oh will it's a good thing that I told you

she said I nod

Beca: will see you later

she said & she walk away I am in shock when did David going to tell me that his birthday is coming up I need to ask him.

after school I rush over to David house & I didn't even knock on the door I just rush in 

Phoebe: David when you going to-

I stop myself because when I go in I see David with someone & I am so embarrass that I just did that he turn his head & he see me & he smiled

Phoebe: oh im so sorry i didn't mean-

I said & the person turn her head & she look like 30 or 40 years old woman David stand up & I walk to him

David: mother this is my beautiful girlfriend Phoebe Grey, Phoebe this is my mother Erin 

he said & I shake her hand

Erin: it's so wonderful to meet you

she said

Phoebe: is nice to meet you Mrs White

I said

Erin: I heard so much about you I know your grandmother Grace right?

she ask I nod & she smiled

Erin: & I also know your mother too

she said I smiled

Erin: she is very pretty, you are very pretty

she said

Phoebe: thank you

I said

after David mother left it was just me & David

Phoebe: I like your mother

I said

David: she never see me with a woman before

he said I smiled

David: so what was the question you want to ask me?

he ask

Phoebe: when were you going to tell me that your birthday is coming up soon

I said

David: who told you?

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