Chapter 11

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Leanne's P.O.V

I went to bed after mine and Kayla's girls night, I just got straight into bed and i drifted of to sleep. I had a lush dream where me and Dean got together and we finally got married, But i knew it would never happen because my new step brother Kit doesn't approve of me dating Dean. I don't know why when I'm almost 20, I can date who i like can't I? But i will just leave it alone for now. 


The morning came and I got jumped on by Dean, I woke up and he looked like a Little happy Kid at Christmas Time. "Why did you need to wake me up like this for Dean i was having a wonderful dream" I told him in a sad voice with a little pout on my lips, He answered back "Sorry Leanne, I'm just so happy cause Kieran is coming back today" I just laughed and got up to go into the bathroom.

"Do you need anything else ?" I asked him before I turned the shower on, He just said "Na, i don't need anything else" I shouted through cause I turned the shower on at this point "WELL PLEASE DO ME A BIG FAVE AND LEAVE CAUSE I DONT WANT YOU TO SEE ME NAKED WHEN I COME OUT OF THE BATHROOM" after that i heard my bedroom door close. I peeled off my gremlins PJ's and hoped in the shower. 

After I came out of the shower i rapped a towel around me and then another towel around my hair, I walked into my bedroom and laid my outfit what i chose last night out on my bed. My outfit was a striped top and some black legions, I dried my hair and my body and then i put my outfit on after doing this I straightened my red hair. I put my white nike trainers on and walked out of my room and met the others in the lobby.

Kit's P.O.V

While we where waiting for Leanne I pulled Dean to one side and told him "Mate, I heard everything what you told Leanne you know" Dean just looked at me with worried eyes. He finally spoke "Well, I can't help the way I feel you know" I just whispered into his ear "Don't you dare look at my sister in that way again if you even have them feelings again i will pound your face in". He had the right to be worried cause I care about my two new sisters even tho I'm ok with Kayla and Kieran going out I just don't want Leanne to get Heartbroken.

Leanne finally came down to the Lobby and we all went for our breakfast, we got to the hall for our breakfast and on the table Kayla sat next to Dean and i made sure I sat in-between Leanne and Dean cause I knew what would happen. After breakfast we went back to the hospital to meet Kieran and Sean cause Kieran was coming out of hospital today and Kayla was more existed then any of us.

Dean's P.O.V

I was so terrified because of what Kit told me, I can't believe I got told off by him. When Leanne came into the Lobby she looked so beautiful but i couldn't say anything because I'm not aloud to speak to her like that or I will get my head done in. I know Kit cares about Leanne and Kayla but he is letting Kayla date my brother Kieran so why can't he let me date Leanne? Maybe because she is younger. 

Kayla's P.O.V

After breakfast we went back to the hospital because my boyfriend was coming out today, I was so happy I couldn't hold my happiness in any longer. When we got there Kieran and Sean were waiting out side for us, I hoped out of the car and ran to Kieran we greeted each other with a loving hug and kiss. We all got in the car and I needed to sit on Kieran's knee cause he missed my loving touch.








And all the other things

Lot's Of Love,

Leanne and Beckie xxxxxxx 

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