Chapter 23

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*kayla's p.o.v*

I woke up with kieran ringing me. "hey princess" he said. "hey you okay" I asked "I'm feeling okay still not a 100% but I'm okay are you" he asked "I'm okay" I said "I was going to ask if we could go see a movie together today but I guess I have to look after my brothers because they are hungover" he said."well seen as dean is Leanne's boyfriend she can look after him and me and you can go out together how is that?" I suggested "sounds perfect"he said.

I said goodbye and then went to get ready. I changed into a black and white top with a black skater skirt. I was really looking forward to seeing kieran today. once I was done I went to tell Leanne that she needed to go to deans. kit and Beth were going out again them to really were going to make a cute couple. it was now 11:50 so I had 10 mins till kieran got here. I grabbed my money and keys ready to go. "kayla kieran is here" my mum shouted. I went to the door and saw him waiting for me.

"Hello princess" he said kissing me on the lips. he grabbed my hand and off we went to

The movies.

We decided to go see if I stay and I cried my eyes out and kieran cuddled me. I really do love him. after the movie we went for a meal then back to mine. "hey my auntie has gone away for the week and I am lookin after the house wanna stay there with me tonight" he asked "yeah just me and you" I smiled. i told my mum I was staying with him and she said that it was okay. so I packed my bag and we headed off to the house.


Beckie here hope you like this chapter I you did vote comment and follow

Love ya,

Beckie and Leanne xxxx

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