Going to hospital alone

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"Sawada-san, Shamal-sensei wants to see you." Tsuna slowly stand up and enter the doctor room. "Yo, brat. Nice to see you again. You look healthy today. You have your breakfast today?"

What with his happy-go-lucky attitude today? He know I looks pale like a corpse but he still state that I'm healthy. "Sensei, I don't have appetite to eat anything and you say I look healthy? Are you blind or you wanna throw yourself into mental ward? Shamal-sensei, I come here to know my disease not your praised." Tsuna beat the doctor's desk.

"Please hold your anger, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Before you wanna know your medical check-up, please re-do again the examination." Tsuna sighed heavily.

Tsuna changed the clothes into hospital's clothes. Smell medicine covered the clothes that he wore and he when to the X-ray room. He X-ray me entire body including hands, legs, and head. Something is wrong with me. They also take my urine and blood. They take me to eyes examination

Three hours later, Shamal-sensei calling him. His face shown that he was shocking, unbelievable, regret, sad and many negative emotional. "So, how was my X-ray result. Is there everything normal?" My HI said you will regret what had you been asking for.

"Tsunayoshi, I will be honest to you. Hope you gain your conscious after I tell you what exactly happen to your body and the disease that you having now." The serious situation happen between us.

Shamal-sensei look between me and my X-ray numerous times and he sighed whenever he looks through my eyes and my body. He takes to explain to me. His face shown that I will not survive with this sickness.

I trembled and I having cold sweat waiting for him to open his mouth. "Tsuna, gomenasai." He bowed down and he looks desperately "I cannot help you now, Tsuna. It's too late already. If - if we done check-up every weeks, you - you maybe can survive with medicine and treatments... EVEN WE MANAGE TO DO THE OPERATION... But now it's too late for all of this."

Shamal-sensei that known as pervert and always filthy with ladies and girls, was crying out loud in front of me that he regret to make appointment with me since last year i told him i always had migraine, headache and I had blur vision because I am a boy and he hate male gender.

No words came across my mind that moment. I closed my mouth with both my hands, crying pitifully with my life and fate which I had to facing it. Why was I the one must be suffer and through all of this? Is that not enough that I been through bullies by my schoolmates and now I be ignored by the family members because of that incident? Why the Luck and Fate hate me so much?! Why? What had I done to you? Is this the payment I got because I betrayed my own family in that incident.

"Tsuna, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Shamal-sensei hugged me tightly and try to calm me but he fail to do so. "You've suffer brain cancer level 4. Nothing we can do except chemotherapy." I burst to tears.

No. No. No. That's impossible! That's cruel fate!

"Sensei, tell me that's a joke, right? I just have migraine and headache only, right? TELL ME THAT, SHAMAL-SENSEI!!?" He turn around avoid facing me. I grabbed his collar and yelled at him. I confessed all my hatred and regret feeling to him.

If 'them' give me 'that thing' as exchange to the my family private information, I MAY be survived and healthy right.
Now, everyone ignore and blame me. Gomenasai, minna-san. I had to do it. If only you know.....


In Vongola Mansion

"Lunch time, Giotto. Stop writing and bring your butt to the dining hall, we already prepare to eat without you if you late."
"You go first, G. I'll eat later." Giotto without look at G, done he paperwork. "Giotto, you health is our priority." Maybe I should give up to invite him to go to lunch with him. I have to use that tactic again. I go to his chair and whispered something to his ear.

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