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Lucy pouted as her friends dragged her into the restaurant blue Pegasus, the place where the two bands were supposed to meet.

But unlike her other band mates, she hated the dragon slayerz, and never wanted to be near them, she never thought that she would be forced to go on a tour with them.

All they were, were some cocky guys who had nothing to do with the love of music.

Especially Natsu, the lead singer of the band.

Suddenly, past memories invaded her mind and she had to hold on to Levy to keep from falling.

She cringed at the massive amount of sadness that washed over her.

Natsu and his mates walked into the restaurant Blue Pegasus, the meeting spot that the two teams had decided to meet in.

they were excited to get this started and meet the girls.

because none of the boys had every seen them before, since Fairy Law was a new band, they were all a little anxious to meet them.

Jellal had made them listen to their music and even the self centered Sting had to admit that they were good.

As they walked in a short man came up to them.
" who are you people" he asked, " man" he whispered under his breath

"We're here to meet Fairy Law" Jellal said
" ah, you are the people the lovely Erza said would be coming" Jellal gave him a death glare.

They walked to the back room where the meeting would unfold.

Natsu walked in and saw her.

A memory pricked at him but he was already falling by the time he remembered a name
"Lucy " and it went black again

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