Chapter 1

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My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest as I heard the door knob of the front door turn, My eyes immediately flickered to the box of my grandpa's old belongings next to me on the dining room floor. My mother walked in the door stumbling druk, her light brown hair was knotted up, her skirt was on backwards and her boobs were hanging out of her shirt. I looked down at my homework refusing to make eye contact with her, her heels went sideways as she fell she stumbled but caught herself on the wall. I looked up at her with worry in my eyes 

"What the hell are you looking at?" she said. 

"Nothing." I said then continued looking at my homework. Her eyes moved torward my grandpa's old belongings then back to me anger exploded in her eyes just as I was about to run she pulled me by hair and smashed my face into the wall my face felt numb I put my hand to my face and saw the blood on my hand tears began to fall down my cheeks I could tase the salt and blood in my mouth just as I started to slowly force myself to get back up she kicked me in my ribs with her tall heels, I immedietly feel to the ground in agony bearly able to move the blood on my forehead dripped on the floor.

"Didn't I tell you to sell this shit?" she yelled. 

Before I could speak she was down on the ground  punching me her fist pounding into my jaw.

"Answer me you little bitch!" she screamed, still punching me in my face and now kicking me in my ribs the last thing I remeber was spitting out a mouth full of blood before everything turned white. 

I woke up lying on the cold dining room floor I stood up and walked to the bathroom my side hurt and I bearly was able to walk I looked in the mirror and saw dry blood all over my jaw I lifted up my shirt and saw dark blood bruises all over my sides I pulled my shirt back down and grabbed a towel and turned on the water all the way hot and stepped in. The buring hot water against my skin felt good I dersvered it, It was my fault that my grandpa died I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face I missed my grandpa so much he never would have let her hurt me like this I thought. I wiped the tears away from my face and turned off the water. I took another look at the bruises and cuts on my body before I covered them with cover up then put on a long sleeve t-shirt with a pair of old blue jeans then walked to school. The cool fall air kissed my cheeks and the bright colored leaves danced in the street I put my hood over my head and looked down at the ground and finished walking to school.  I walked inside the school and went to my locker and grabbed my bookbag then put my grandpas things in my other bag, That bag was my life I had pretty much everything in that bag like clothes, money, soap, passport, my birthcertificate, and some cans of food hoping one day I will work up the courage and leave she doesn't love me. I thought about how great it would be on my own the ringing of the school bell interupted my thoughs and grabbed my book bag before locking my locker then ran to class. I walked into class recieving millions of cold stares but I didn't care thats how school has always been for me. I walked all the way back into the room where I always sat in the corner alone. 

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